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I used to think I was bad at math. I went to school for 12 years at for 10 of the years straight, I failed math. F, that's what the report card reads. F for you can not do algebra or long division, you don't know your times tables, you cannot solve for x and you don't know the first 3 digits of pi, you are bad at math.

I am good at math. I can quickly do multiplication in my head, I can tell you the total number of calories on your plate, I can tell you how many grams in an ounce or how many ounces in a pound, I can easily figure out how many kilometres I need to run to burn off  a days worth of food and I know the difference between a kilocalorie and a kilojoule. I am consumed by numbers, I am good at math.

I can turn an F to an A the same way I can turn 100 to 0. I am good at math

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