"How long will that last? Why me?" You continued to question while both of you walk back at the main place.

"Depends. You're the only bridge for him to talk to all of us. And any of us can be a passageway for a soul." Johnny murmured.

"Okay. Let's start." Taeyong cleared his throat as Jungwoo behind him confirmed that everyone's inside, including you. "So, uhm.."

Yangyang poked Ten's arm with a cheeky yet curious smile. "Do prayers really start with uhm?"

"Obviously, he doesn't know how to start." Kun mumbled.

You raised your hand, earning a soft touch from Jungwoo over your head, adoring that small move of yours.

Scratching the back of his neck, Taeyong craned at you. "Mmhmm? Anything you need?"

"If the prayer requires the same form like a human, hand it to me. I can do it." You innocently uttered.

Ten giggled, facepalming. "Just do what you guys are comfortable. Not like we need to be very serious about it. As long as we're sincere."

"No, we do need it." Kun nudged Ten harshly. "Unless you want a non-serious ceremony when you disappear too."

"By the way, why did we form a triangle thing right now? Are we doing some sorta dance of resonance or.." Johnny asked, trying to break the tension.

Some snickered while some pulled a look of disappointment.

What kind of visit from the dead is this, actually?

You stretched your neck and gave Johnny a sharp look, which made him look down and bite his lip, his ego stepping down and apologising by that movement.

After an awkward moment with a simple prayer, it's finally time to have some food for everyone. Thankfully, you were not the only one eating solid foods from Earth for it will be awkward to eat alone while almost all of them are doing some weird tricks with their abilities.

Taeil interrupted you while you were busy sipping water nearby. He flashed a warm smile and held both your arms.

You tilted your head, "What's with the--"

And a headache stung.

In a blink, you were in an entirely different place - but still in the same place.

You almost fall out of balance while realizing that you just got teleported.

"Hey! I told you not to do that without any warning!" You covered your mouth. "I feel like throwing up. I'm dizzy."

"You can't sense me, right?" Taeil chuckled happily as if he won a lottery. "That's a big thing."

"Is it?" You rolled your eyes in irritation. "Seriously, I'm getting headaches. I can't sense you fast as much as I can before. We kinda parted ways. All this shit aside.. why did you take me here? Do you have anything to say?"

"I want to spend time with you. I want to catch up with your life." Taeil smirked, looking at his feet for he lowkey felt shy, and started petting your head. "Have you been well? Tell me about things you did everyday."

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