Chapter 1||Who Am I Really?||

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Sophia Dubroux

"Wake up Sophia!" My morning was greeted by a not-so-lovely stern voice that belonged to my very strict and motherly aunt.

"Aunt Brienne, I don't want to wake up," I said not bothering to even poke my head out of my pillow.

"Sophia?!" I heard her gasp, "You never talked back to me nor did you ever sleep late. This is so unlike you," Yes, it was very unlike me to be sleeping late but talking back was like a jar waiting to be opened. It always wants to open when I talking to my very controlling parents but with Aunt Brienne, this is the first time it's happened and right now, I feel extremely bad about it, "Sorry Aunt Brienne, promise it won't happen again," I said sitting up and giving her the prettiest smile I've got. She can't stand it, she just loves me that much.

"Anyway, get up and we'll start with your lessons or sleep on and wait for your ballet teacher to arrive," she hit my bottom with her sheathed sword to make me stand up. I groaned as quietly as I can to make sure I don't get anymore spanking.

I got in my fencing outfit. If you thinking about that outfit that makes you look like a bee keeper, that's not it. I prefer a comfortable feminine ensemble.(picture at the side Note: take off the hat and vest, make the sword more like a training sword and viola that her fencing outfit) A white tucked-in blouse, high-waist leggings, and knee-high boots is pretty much my style.

I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before going on intense training. Two pancakes, three pieces of toast with butter and a glass of milk was all it was going to take to get me the energy I needed. I put them in my plate and ate them in the most up-right manner expected of a daughter of a nobleman.

Yes, my family's is one of the nobilities. We are a respected family, purely because of father's money. One of the reasons I want a simple life, I can know who my true friends are and right now, I've only got one, Charles, my fiancé. I don't even know if he sees me as a friend after our engagement was broken and he told me he'll never bother me again.

"Sophia! No slouching, fix your seating position. You have to be perfect for you to find the suitable husband for you," reminiscing my broken engagement really saddend me, making me sigh and slouch just in time for my 'dear' mother to see.

I sat up straight and finished my breakfast and walked towards the gardens for my training. Half-way through the hallway leading to the gardens, I saw Aunt Brienne and father talking and by the looks on their faces, it was something serious. I crept closer, close enough to eavesdrop.

"Is she ready?" I saw my aunt nod but her face showed... sadness? It was unlikely for aunt Brienne to express her emotions to somebody else beside me, making imply the this 'she' is someone very special to her. Now the question was. Who is 'she'?

"Are you sure she'll be able to protect herself after she leaves?" Aunt Brienne nodded again,"Don't worry Philip, I've been training her with the bow&arrow, the sword, and the art of flying daggers since she was sent here and she's the best I've seen. Not only that, her gymnastics and fist and kick fighting skills are extraordinary. She can handle herself just fine." I kept listening because this 'she' they were talking about was really amazing.

"Glad to hear that but that's not the problem," I could see that this caught aunt Brienne's attention and listened attentively, "What then?"

"Her emotions always take over. When she angry, sad or depressed, she can't think straight. I'm afraid that might kill her," aunt Brienne patted father's shoulder, "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Our little Sophia will be fine."

"I hope so," i saw father give a faint smile before I fully hid myself behind the biggest pillar.

'Me? They were talking about me? What was I ready for? I'm leaving? When? To where? Why?

Questions always kept me from thinking straight, especially when they're about me. I ran my hands through my hair to calm myself down.

'Okay, let's think this through' I thought to myself.

'If I were given to them, that means I'm adopted.' I thought, 'I knew it!' Surprisingly, even for me, I was happy. The reason why, I couldn't tell.

'But if I am adopted, my life was a lie?' I've spent nights staying up ang figuring out who I am. Why I can't fit in with my parents? But I did know was that I was the daughter of the wealthiest man in town. 'But even that's a lie. So, who am I really?'

My deep thoughts was disturbed by the sound of my voice being called.

"Sophia?" I looked around to see who the voice belonged to- half praying that it wasn't father nor aunt Brienne's-and was greeted by the least expected purest of green eyes.

Hey guys! So here's chapter 1, hope you like it.

To people who stopped by and took time to read this book, thanks a ton


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