007: Get-Together (1)

Start from the beginning

"Wow. I'm a poor drinker, either! This is destiny crazy-"

Daniel took his attention off Zoe who was pushing her breasts up and glanced at the goons whose conversation was full of fucks.

His panic risen observing the mess where he had been dragged.

'Mom.. sorry'

Before he knew it, his eyes was locked on Nari who was on her phone and is seated up ahead of him. His fright loosened as he unceasingly admired the female who was unrealistically glowing.

"So Daniel.. Where do you live?"

Daniel jumped in surprise as he snapped back to reality and wiped the drool dripping from his mouth internally wishing that no one witnessed him drool over the attractive female.

"Huh? Oh I live alone."

"Dang, for real?"



"Why are you getting red?"

"Zoe.. you better not be thinking what I think you are thinking.."

"W-wait Nari no!"

Zack growled hearing he lives alone dissimilar to him. He continuously gulps the alcohol receiving a smack from the girl beside him. The group continually converse, thus, she just drank alongside Zack toasting in the process.

"Let's chill there!"


"Can we come hang?"

"No!! See I live with a friend."

The other words coming out from their mouths went unheard by the tall girl who was too occupied on her drinks and was slowly feeling the alcohol take over her body. Her attention went to them as they decided to include her to the chat.

"What about you Nari?"

"What about me?"

"Where do you live?"

"I also live alone."



"Can we come over there?"



Before they could even speak up more, a new figure being the owner of the place spoke up while Nari and Zack continued drinking.

"Anyone else coming?"


"Then just stay quiet, okay? Just stay out of trouble."

"Hehe ok."

Daniel eyes met the owner's eyes which went wide promptly at the sight of the captivating male, thinking that he was a present from his deceased husband whilst his husband could only scowl on his wife from heaven. She instantly slid beside the student and locked her arms with his.

"Hey, Kid. Something else you want to eat?"

"No thanks..!"

"Pick anything. It's on the house."

"Wow! Ma'am, you rock!"

Zoe, who was dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of the new rival, grabbed his other arm.

"Danny! Have some of this! Say ah~ Isn't it good?"


As much as she was pissed, the older took Zoe's challenge and started being competitive for the young male's attention by acting like she was tying her hair to look a lot more sexy.

"Ah my... My hair keeps coming loose. So hot for September."

"Danny I'm hot too!"

"Oh I'm hotter!"

"Then I'm..."

Blood gushed from the goons' noses as they watched the scene infront of them unfold.


"Is this kid your girlfriend or something? What's your name?"


'It's freaky!! Girls are creepy... except Nari.'


A sneeze was suddenly heard. They all turned their head to see Nari who was blushing furiously due to the impact of the alcohol. Her left forearm and right elbow placed on the table with her chin resting on her right palm. It was a normal pose for someone who is about to lose consciousness but her long sleeve shirt hanging off her left shoulder and her body leaning on the table made it look hotter.

The goons' nosebleed worsen as the two other boys joined their nosebleed session. While the two girls blushed in lieu of being wary of the female. The owner then let go of Daniel and ran on Nari's side to lock arms with her instead.

"Hey kid, do you want something too?"

Zoe did the same and freed Daniel to sit on the other side of Nari, shoving Zack who was next to Nari in the process. Zoe locked her arm with her, catching a glimpse of a one line rose tattoo on Nari's left back shoulder that was visible.

"Wow! I didn't know you have a tattoo Nari!"

"Do you want some more side dishes, kid?"

"Yes please."

"Ok, I'll be right back!"

As the owner freed Nari, Zack growled and pushed Zoe off her so he can be next to her once again. The group of students continued their fun, unaware about the group of grownups from the other table talking shit about them.

Words: 1,514


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