Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"Wait, you think this angel wants to hurt you?"

I lift one shoulder and sit next to him, fidgeting with the stack of coasters on the countertop. "That's what Angelo said, and he seemed pretty certain that it was a probability."

"This would be some weird shit if I wasn't already involved in weird shit," Cannon says.

That brings a smile to Jace's face and he extends a fist to Cannon. As they fist bump, Jace says, "Speaking of weird shit, I've got to warn you that Infernis is nothing like this place. Despite the chaotic acts everyone is involved in, Desi's job is serious. Expectations are high, and she's going to need someone who is constantly there to support her."

"I understand that," Cannon says, his eyes narrowing on Jace.

"I don't know that you do. Your life here is pretty easy. You charm your way into everything. There will be times that you can't hide behind a video game controller."

Cannon scoffs and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "You know Desi's Circle is sloth, right?"

"She rules sloth, making sure that those who thrive in that chaos are content. Her entire existence isn't going to be sitting on a couch playing COD. Her dad expects her and her eternal partner to care for those energies and demons."

I don't miss the irritation in Jace's tone. He has spent time with my family and understands how important this is. My father explained things to him, and Jace got to see firsthand the stress it causes him. My rule isn't just to better my realm but to help my dad. It's important to me and my family.

Cannon sighs and l pin Jace with a look. Cool it, Wilder.

"Look, Cannon, I'm going to ask you to do something, and Jace just wants to be sure you actually understand what you're getting into. He's only looking out for you," I say, turning in my seat to look at him, my friend, my closest friend other than Jace. "That is, if you still want to. Do you? Want to go with me to Infernis and be my eternal partner?"

I hold my breath, almost convinced that Jace has talked Cannon out of it and he's going to run screaming, forcing me to either accept whoever my dad finds for me or beg my cubby buddy from first grade.

"Yes. I told you I wanted to be an option and that hasn't changed. I want to do this with you, Desi."

Relief washes over me and my gaze darts to Jace before bouncing back to Cannon. "Okay. Good. Then you have a lot to do, because we leave in two days. You do realize you can't come back here for longer than a few days...and that won't be—"

Cannon places his finger over my lips, and I can practically feel Jace's bristle from across the room. "For a while. I know. You explained all that to me weeks ago when you first told me what you were and you answered all my questions. I know all the answers, and I still want to do this."

I am still dumbfounded that he's willing to give up his entire life for me when he knows I can't promise anything substantial physically or emotionally. But I've already tried to understand it, and I've already attempted to change his mind. He wants this with me, and I'm grateful to have a friend like him by my side.

"All right. But make sure all your affairs are in order before we go."

"I'm already putting together a checklist in my head. I'll be ready to go when you are," he says.

"But can you give me a couple days before you come through the portal? My family is going to be really confused if I come home with someone besides Jace. I want to explain everything to them and prepare them to meet you."

He nods in that accepting, patient way that is so perfectly Cannon. "Of course. That will give me time to go home, tie up a few loose ends with work, and say goodbye to my family. Then I'll come to you."

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