
Start from the beginning

Usually when she felt like this, she would call you and you would be there in a matter of minutes to hold her. She was already missing the feeling of your arms around her waist and the familiar scent of vanilla from your perfume.

Her pillow was stained with tear marks and mascara. She buried her face in the hoodie she was wearing. It was yours, no surprise there. She loved wearing your clothes, it made her feel closer to you.

Your knee was bleeding from falling on the asphalt road. You rode your bike further down the street to your house and tossed it in the yard. You swung open the door to your house and walked into the kitchen.

Wrong move.

Muffled shouts came from the dining room before you saw your brother being shoved through the door separating the room from the kitchen. You caught him before he fell, but received a beer bottle flying right for your head. You dad stepped through the door and he reeked of alcohol.

"Listen here, you disgrace. You see me getting onto your brother, you don't intervene. Understand?"

"Getting onto him? You shoved him through the freaking door."

"Are you back talking me?" He reached for anything he could throw at you off of the kitchen counter. Your brother immediately jumping up from the floor and stepping infront of you.

"I swear to God, if you touch her-"

"What you gonna do, tough guy? You gonna hit me?"

Your brother wasn't one to provoke. His short patience not something to be messed with. So when your dad was taunting him, you knew it wasn't gonna go a good way. You saw your brother rear his fist back and sucker punch your dad in the jaw. That was the last thing you saw before running out of the house.

You and Maddy hadn't talked since the fight. That was two weeks ago. You hadn't been to school much, you had crashed at your mom's house. You only told Lexi where you were staying in fearing that the news would travel to your dad.


Maddy was very hesitant to knock. She knew that the two of you weren't exactly on the same page at the moment.

Maddy, don't do it. Just go back to Nate, No, Maddy don't go back to him. He hurt you, she was right.

Her thoughts were all over the place. A part of her telling her to go back to Nate, the other begging her not to. Become increasingly more overwhelmed with the war going on inside her mind, she knocked.

Instead of you answering, who she was hoping would, Mason answered.


"I need to see Y/N right now."

"She's not here right now, she's at our mom's. What's so important?"

"Nothing, thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome."

She turned on her heels and headed back to her car, tugging at the sleeves of her hoodie. She drove to your mom's house and noticed that your car and bike were there.

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