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You longed to see your sibling not only your parents.

They continued to watch silently, "You're still fixing the kite, Yuichiro?" You asked the boy known now as Yuichiro. He huffed and placed it aside,"I couldn't fix it, it's completely broken thanks to you." Yuichiro insulted, crossing his arms and puffing his cheeks. You giggled and held his hand, "Come on, otou-san will fix it later. For now, let's go and have lunch." You smiled and dragged your brother with you. The next image was you and your family eating lunch as happy atmosphere laced the house.

Everyone was unable to utter a word other then Luke who decided to spit out his question, "She looks really happy in the memory, what made her become what she is right now?" He asked, directing his question to Simeon who was beside him. The other angel couldn't find an answer since he didn't know what happened to you, "Let's watch and see." He smiled, giving Luke a head pat.

The image shifted again and the mirror showed you and Yuichiro walking through the forest while carrying a lot of sticks on your backs, you both looked like you were ten years old or something like that.

"Onii-chan, let's get some rest, I'm really tired."

"There's no time to waste, we must continue walking."

You sighed at your brother's harsh behavior, "Why are you like this, Yuichiro? Ever since our parents died, you became harsher on me!"  You called, stopping in your place. Everyone in the room froze when they heard what you said.

Both of your parents had died?!

Yuichiro looked at you over his shoulders then turn away, "A weak person would never live, you have to only think about yourself in this life unlike otou-san." He harshly said, insulting your father. You were hurt when you heard him say that, he was literally insulting your dad. You shook your head as you tried not to believe him, "Otou-san was trying to help oka-san... Why are you saying that?" Your brother tsk-ed and turned to face you.

"Herbs weren't going to help her once she reach that condition, it was really dump."

Your eyes were slowly becoming glassy as tears were appearing in your eyes, "You're so mean, onii-chan-..." Yuichiro ignored you and continued to talk, "If he didn't go out into that storm, only oka-san would have died." You couldn't take it anymore as you let your tears fall freely.


"I'm saying only the truth. Also, you're making too much noise, you'll call a boar here, so shut up. There's no point in this conversation, the past won't change."

The twin brother turned around and started to move forward. You sighed and followed after him quietly without saying anything.

Asmo covered his mouth as he felt sad for you, "He is so mean insulting his family like that!" Mammon seemed to agree as he looked also annoyed by the way your brother treated you. "I don't like where this is going." Solomon truthfully said as he felt quite anxious about what might happen next. "For once I agree with you." Levi expressed, waiting in anticipation for what will happen next.

The image changed and this time what was shown next made all of males gasp. Yuichiro was standing in front of you, trying to protect you from a demon with a knife in his hand. You were behind your brother, scared and shivering as the demon smirked at you. Your brother went to attack, but unfortunately the demon cut his arm off, "ONII-CHAN!" You ran to him and crouched beside him as he held his arm. You were about to cry when you saw how major the injury was, "Yuichiro..."

"HAHAHA! You think you can kill me with this weak attack, you're pathetic and weak!..." The demon continued to mock you and you listened to everything he was saying. Luke was getting frustrated, "Don't listen to him, Y/N!" He yelled, hoping that you would do so.

Suddenly, you jumped at the demon and used all of the tools you had to kill him. Everyone looked in shock as you stabbed, cut, and smashed the demon with everything you can find in rage. You were unable to stop as fury took control of you. Eventually and as the morning came, the demon disappeared and you dragged yourself back home to see your brother, "Onii-chan... you're alive... the demon is gone now..." You collapsed down and reached to hold his hand, "Onii-chan..."

"Dear... gods... Please... just... spare my sister... Un... like me... she's a really nice... kid... She... wants... to be use... ful... and I... got in... her way... I'm the on... ly... bad... one... If you're giving punishment... just give... it to me..."

Your tears rolled down your cheeks as you saw your brother die slowly in front of you, his hand so weakly grabbing yours, "Onii-chan... please hold on..." You whispered, but it seemed your brother couldn't hear you, "Forgive me... Y/N... I.. love you... imouto [Little sister]..." Yuichiro trailed off, giving himself up to the death. You slowly start to lose consciousness and the mirror turned black. It was from this moment, you started to forget everything. Everyone was silent, unable to say anything.

Now the demons, angels, and Solomon understood why you were forgetting everything. It was the tragedy that your mind refused to remember.

𝙰𝙳𝙾𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙻𝙴 |Oᵇᵉʸ ᵐᵉ ˣ Kᶰʸ|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz