chapter 2 the little mermaid

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???? P.O.V

well well well a play ah, you are sure something else haruka let see let have a little fun

As I blow this powder that my mom gave me things started to change the story she wrote will now become reality.

Haruka: what happing

Masato: haruka...

Ren: little lamb


Syo: what happing

Cecil: princess

Natsuki: syo

Tomochika: ahhh

Quarter Knight: ah what in the f*** going on. / what happing / this shouldn't be possible. / ahhh

everything turns into the world of the little mermaid.

Haruka: am a mermaid

Oriya: why am I a crab

Syo: well at lest your not a fish

syo: Wait weres the others

*then these orbs of light appear and Then this girl shows up*

haruka: sakura!

Sakura: it been a while haruka.

Haruka: this is your doing is int it?

Sakura: yeah it my doing.

Haruka: sakura turn everything back now!

Sakura: I wish I could but the only way to get back to your own world is if you live out the fairy tails your playing.

* then sakrua disappears*

Haruka: Sakura!

Otoya: haruka do you know her.

Haruka: yeah she an old friend of mine her mothers into magic and stuff so sometime she would use some of the trick her mother has and pull pranks like this.

Haruka: well by the looks of thing let head up there and start the story.

HARUKA - Ariel



REN - king Triton

SYO - flounder

OTOYA - Sebastian

One night, Ariel, Flounder and an unwilling Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch Prince Eric celebrate his birthday. Ariel soon becomes enamored with Eric.

A violent storm wrecks the ship and tosses Eric overboard, but Ariel saves him and brings him to shore.

Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as soon as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered.

Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sang to him, and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world.

Noticing a change in Ariel's behavior, Triton questions Sebastian about her behavior and learns of her love for Eric.

Frustrated, Triton confronts Ariel in her grotto, where she and Flounder store human artifacts, and destroys most of the objects with his trident to her dismay.

.After Triton leaves then Ariel sings.

Haruka: Look at this stuff

Isn't it neat?

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