Jace nudges me with his shoulder. "I don't know where you're from, Desideria, but your family has some strange customs. Around here, half the relationships don't last five years, let alone a lifetime."

"Trust me; I know it's strange. Which is why I am really enjoying my time here. Thank you both for being my friends, honestly. I couldn't do this without your help."

"You're not going to ask us to join in on your bizarre family business, are you?" Jace asks.

I laugh and elbow him in the side. "No. You are safe from my father's brand of crazy."

"Jace! What a surprise to see you here." I swivel in my seat to find a man wearing a suit with salt and pepper hair, clapping Jace on the back.

"Hey, Matt. It's good to see you," Jace says, holding out his hand.

The men shake hands and Jace introduces Cannon before Matt gives his attention to me. "And who is this beautiful woman you have with you?"

"Oh, this is Desi. She's my—"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Desi. I'm Matt Brown." He brings my knuckles to his lips and places a light kiss on them. "Your date is one hell of a graphic designer. He's one of the best I've seen in a long time. This guy has talent seeping out of every pore."

I don't recognize the man by sight, but Jace has talked about him enough with Cannon that I know exactly who this is. Not only is Jace a fan of his work, but Matt is the investor that he's been trying so hard to impress, and by the looks of things, it's working.

Since Jace dropped everything to help me escape the situation at the night club, I decide in this moment to do what I can to put in a good word for him and make sure this Matt guy sees Jace for what he is—a damn hard worker.

I flash Matt a bright smile and say, "Doesn't he, though? I've never seen someone who can just...envision something and then turn around and create it so easily just like that." I snap my fingers and look at Jace adoringly. "Not to mention he's the best human I know."

It's not exactly a lie. He and Cannon are the only humans I know, and I know them almost equally. I'm laying it on thick, and Jace is looking at me like I have finally lost my damn mind.

Matt chuckles. "And I thought I got a hard-on about your work. I think Desi is outranking me as your number one fan."

"I'm pretty sure Jace is just as turned on by your work. He practically has a shrine to you in our hallway."

Jace's cheeks burn dark pink, and I have no clue why. He admires this man, wants him to be a part of his dream business. He should have showered Matt with compliments long before I came along. Humans love when someone strokes their egos; even I know that.

Matt quirks a brow. "Your girl is good. I just might write you a check right now."

I glance at Jace out of the corner of my eye and it's obvious he's doing everything in his power to keep his jaw from unhinging. Just to mess with him a little bit more because it's fun to watch him squirm, I reach over, put my hand on his knee, and squeeze. "I guess you better keep me around, huh?"

"He will, Desi," Matt answers for him. "He's going to need you next weekend at the charity dinner I'm inviting you both to. Some other well-known designers will be there with their pieces up for bid. It will be a good networking opportunity for him, and I'm sure you will be amazing at winning them all over."

"Yeah, I'd love to come," Jace says, finally finding his voice.

"I'm not kidding, bring this enchanting creature, would you?" Matt asks Jace, nodding toward me, and I bat my eyelashes at Jace's idol.

"Of course."

"Good. Let's see how you do with a roomful of your peers. If you can win those cocky bastards over, I have to believe there's nothing you can't do." Matt nods at me. "It was a pleasure, Desi. Nice to meet you, Cannon. Jace, I'm sure you will enjoy the rest of your evening."

Matt walks away, and Jace sinks in his seat. All the worry leaves his muscles, and he turns into a human Jell-o formation. "Holy shit. That's the best conversation I've ever had with Matt. Even during my business proposal, he didn't interact that much with me."

I turn toward him in my seat, propping my elbow on the table and resting my chin in my palm. "Yeah? I wonder what the difference was..." I purse my lips and look up at the ceiling in mock contemplation.

"Where is that confidence on the dates you're going on? If you bring that to the table, you would be irresistible," Cannon says, and my gaze darts to him.

"Maybe if someone gave me a chance, I might be able to show it," I say.

"I'm still waiting for the sign that I'm good to ask you on a second date."

Jace's eyes dart between us, and when our gazes meet, something harsh flashes over his features. He quickly turns back to his beer and drains half the glass before I get the chance to analyze the emotion. 

I almost tell Cannon he can ask me anytime he wants, but something about that look on Jace's face makes me pause. He probably doesn't like the idea of Cannon and I dating—too much potential for break-up drama. So I just smile at Cannon and say, "I'll let you know."

"You know where to find me when you're ready."

"Are we good to get out of here?" Jace asks, jumping to his feet.

"Yeah, man. I believe you and I have a campaign to finish tonight."

"I've been thinking about it all day," Jace says, clapping Cannon on the back.

Jealousy boils inside me. The friendship between my roommates is so simple. From the very first day, they discovered they shared countless interests. I've always felt like a third wheel when the three of us are together. They share a love for movies, video games, sports, and business ventures. I try to keep up with their conversations, but I don't understand half of what they are talking about.

So for the whole car ride home, I listen to them drone on and on about whatever video game it is they're trying to beat.

I came to the human realm to try to fit in, to find a person who is my perfect match. But it's just more of the same—Desideria, the odd one out.

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