Partners of Vengeance

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Events in Eternal Diva

Clive's Point of View

"What about the Detrogen then, Clive?"
She said to me in a grumpy tone as usual.

"I'll figure it out. For now we just have to worry about Descole." I replied to her as I tried to fix my helicopter that has broken down. We were on a shore of what used to be Anbrosia's, that's what Descole said.

"That's what you say every time! Descole this, Descole that." She stomped away until suddenly gasped in shock.

I turned around to see what has happened, instead I saw a familiar looking gentleman on a boat. Never mistook the tophat. Yes indeed, it was Professor Hershel Layton. Clailan and I have been watching Hershel for our future plans to destroy everything in sight. This is so the goverment can notice us and finally find their mistakes for the last decade.

"Clailan, hide!" I shouted to her and she nodded in reply as we jumped to my half useable copter and fled to meet Descole. It was a good thing that they're all asleep... of what I thought.

"Th-there's something wrong!" Clailan said to me as I felt that there is something wrong with this helicopter. We tried to find a landing spot as quickly as possible.

"Next time, I wouldn't bring this rusty copter with us again." I put down my helmet and placed it in my trashy transportation device.

"There wouldn't be a next time if you kept this behaviour again." Clailan threw her helmet off just like that and ran to the castle.

"You fools! This is why I never could trust a young, unexperienced, wanna-be villain." Descole sighed in dissapointment looking at both of us.

Lucky for us, he was kind enough to lend us the Bostonius to take us to our next location. Felt the need to get rid of us, I suppose that's the intention of why he bothered to allow us to use his plane.

Clailan's Point of View

What an awful mess. I knew I couldn't hang on Clive since the first day we met amd became 'partners in crime'. I have to admit that he is a clever and slick man, but I just can't stand him for some reason. I call that next time, I have to turn things around.

We were off to spy on Professor Layton, Luke Triton, and Emmy Altava. Seems that the Hershel and his asisstants weren't so fond of their surroundings. Clive's idea turned out to not be so bad after all, watching Professor Layton from my trusty friend; Jenis Quatlane.*Melina Whistler

"Your friend, ... she was a student of Layton if I'm not mistaken?" Clive asked.

"Yes she was. Jenis and Melina studied archeology before they become an opera singer, musician, and half archeologist... I suppose." I answered him.

Clive then gave me a “sigh” look. "You do know she has no idea whatsoever about your reason to know every of Layton's moves right?"

"I-I guess you're right- what's your point?!" I said in annoyance. Clive thinks he could do anything.

"I'm saying that she or THEY might be a little suspicious. Since you two haven't glared eyes at eachother for what... almost a decade?"

"Shut up..." What an annoying brat. I think I knew the reason Descole didn't even want him in the first place. He's got the wealth and brains to do such a menacing plan. But his arrogance and cockiness doesn't help at all!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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