Chapter 2 - "Tina"

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I woke up because of sirens. I looked out of the window and saw police and ambulance. I quickly dressed up and went to see what is going on. Then I realised I slept in my brothers bed. That is....nice? So I went to see what is going on. Then I saw Mrs. Matthews been shot in her head by a cop. The blood was everywhere near her body and also on everybody's clothes. Gross. Then the cop came to me and it was my uncle George. "Hi Jodie. I'm so sorry you had to see that. Where are mom and dad?" He asked me. I thought he is going to tell me to go away but he is a nice guy and knows how much I love his job and how much I love to watch him doing it. "I was just going to look for them but then I saw this." I said. "Do you know what happened? She looks like a freakin' zombie!" He said. "Maybe you can help me with research?" I didn't want to tell him but... "I know what happened. She was like that yesterday when we came to her house." "Tell me more" He said. "Me and Jack herd screaming last night. I recognised Mrs. Matthews' voice so I thought maybe she needed any help and we should check out. We went into her house because the door were open" I said while pointing at the door. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He stopped me. "Open or broken?" I tried to remember everything. "Yes! The door were broken. When I pushed them accidentally I felt like they were broken!" George smiled at me and I just continued. " We looked around the first floor but there was nothing suspicious. When we went upstairs and we went into the bathroom first. Then we looked in the bedroom and she was there covered in blood. Her skin was ripped off and it was just....Gross. Then Jack shouted and she started to run to us. We ran away but she almost got us. Then we told mom and dad and they didn't believe us. That's it." I told him everything I could remember from the last night. "It's like she was dead. And she was walking...." He said. "The walking dead" we said in unison. "I have to worn everybody if they are going to believe me. Bye! See ya! And I need to speak with your family as quick as possible! He said and told other cops about whole zombie thing. When I saw their serious faces I assumed they believed him. I ran to find my family and they were right there, walking our dog Waffles. "There you sleeping beauty!" Said mother mocking me a little bit. "Police and ambulance is here. And Uncle Tom too. He wants to speak with y'all" I said. They faces became serious. They didn't ask any questions but they ran to the police car and greet George. Jack stayed with me. "What happened?" He asked me. "They came to pick up Mrs. Matthews' corpse." I said and went to the police car where mom, dad and George were standing. George explained everything and what we have to do. After that, they went to the police station and we had to move into other country. And this country is Texas. I love Texas! We went back to our house. Me and Jack talked about stuff that we are going to take with us. We wanted to open the door but in this moment the car parked on our yard and guess who opened the door and came out?! Tina. She is absolute whore. She only cares about her look and dresses all that bitchy stuff. Nobody liked her and she knew that. Mum and dad already went inside only me and Jack were there. I could be not nice to her if I wanted to. My parents support that. "Go away, Tina! You are not welcome here!" I shouted at her face. "Hashtag rude!" She said and walked into the house.

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