Standing up with him in my arms, I walked out of my room, going across the hall to his room. The door was obviously locked, but I set my hand on the knob and a soft click could be heard before I opened the door. "Don't look at me like that- I've told you before that I could go into your room whenever if I really wanted to."

Leaning down, I set him on the floor before turning around and shutting the door again, making sure to lock it. Sighing, I turned, watching Katsuki jump up onto his bed out of the corner of my eye as I took in the decor.

There was some All Might merch scattered around the room, obviously not to the extent of Izuku's room, but it still seemed a little excessive in my opinion.

In the corner of the room sat a drum set that looked like it was hardly ever used.

He also had a small TV against the wall facing his bed, some console that I didn't bother actually looking at hooked up to it, although I imagine it's his Switch, and in the only remaining corner was a punching bag. I had actually heard him hitting it repeatedly at times that other would have believed him to be asleep.

"Hey so-" Walking over to his dresser, which was set between the bag and the drums, I carefully picked up one of the figures, looking it over. "Since dogs have much better hearing than people, your hearing is relatively better right now." It was more of a question than an actual statement and he responded with a short quick bark that was quickly followed by more when he saw what I was doing. "Relax- I'm being careful..."

Setting the figure back down, I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed before flopping back, my arms out on either side of me. The action earned a yelp from Katsuki, who got bounced a few inches off the mattress when I hit it.

Chuckling, I rolled over, facing him. "Sorry Suki... I forgot you only weigh like 15 pounds right now."

He gave me a rather disapproving look in response, but it quickly changed to his ears perking up, tail wagging, when I held my arms out for him to come over. Which he did, rather quickly actually.

He curled up against my stomach, resting his head on my arm, looking up at me.

Sighing, I pet his head with the hand not stuck under him. "There a particular reason I was who you ran to when trying to escape Kiri?" He seemed ok with the question up until I said Kiri, his tail no longer wagging, and he actually growled. "Woah-" Moving my hand away from him to raise it in surrender. "What is your problem-? I just wanted to know why you ran from Kiri-" Another growl. "And.. Straight to.. Me.." Pursing my lips in thought, I stared at him for a moment. "Kiri-" Growling. "Kirishima." The growling immediately stopped when he realized I hadn't used the nickname.

"Oh I see- You are so transparent now-. It's just a nickname. Like how I call you Suki-" His tail started wagging again, and he actually went to bite it, seemingly mad that it kept giving him away. "Pfft- Idiot.." Pulling him back up towards me, I rolled over onto my back so I could lift him up over me. "You're so stinking cute like this-" Lowering him slightly, I kissed the tip of his nose before setting him back on my stomach, my hand on his head.

After a while I fell asleep, it wasn't had considering how comfortable his bed is, and when I woke, the weight had moved so it was over most of my body, one arm now wrapped around a much bigger mass of body heat, the other resting in a mass of hair.

Said mass had his face pressed against my bare stomach, my shirt having been shifted up slightly in my sleep I would guess, and his arms wrapped around my waist. The lower half of his body was fit between my legs.

Because of the positioning, most would have assumed he was asleep, but just as I could now smell the intoxicating scent of caramel, I could also feel the rise and fall of his chest and how it seemed too irregular for a sleeping pattern.

Slowly, so not to startle him, I started running my fingers through hair.

"Hey Suki.." His grip tightened as he tensed up, worried I was going to make him move.


"What time is it?" He relaxed slightly, not as much as I would have liked, but it was progress.

Reaching for his phone, when that got in here, I don't know, he turned on the screen. "Eight. You slept through most of the day, Dumbass..."

"Ah.. Ok..." I lightly tapped his shoulder and felt him tense up once more. "Get up real quick-" He complied, though reluctantly, and sat up, avoiding eye contact.

Sitting up for a moment, I shifted back and allowed myself to fall back onto the pillow before holding my arms back out. "C'mere-"

He looked up, looking less like a kicked puppy. "What?"

"Come here... I'm tired and whether you are or not, you're going to lay down with me for making Denki kick open my door."

"That wasn't ... You're not upset I didn't wake you up or whatever?"

"I would have been more pissed if you had-" He nodded slowly and laid down, wrapping his arms back around me and immediately burying his face into my chest.

"Thank you.." It came out in a rather faint mumble seeing as I was already falling back asleep.

I didn't hear what he said in response, maybe there was nothing, but I did however, after a minute or two. hear a quietly mumbled, "I love you Nikki.."

A/N *Aggressive inhale* That was most definitely a lot of self-indulgent work. And Katsuki was a tad OOC. But y'know :)

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