"Guys i don't think i was Griffin out there in the water i saw something, something not human", they both exchange worried looks to each other, "i know i sound crazy don't i? Forget I said anything."

But what Lucas said made things even more suspicious, "what did this 'thing' look like?"

"It had a tail,razor sharp teeth but also looked like a woman. I know it sounds crazy but it almost looked like a...a mermaid". This is where things get even weirder as Nat and Lucas give eachother an intense look, and whispered something to each other simultaneously, which almost sound like they said, "siren"

"I'm going crazy right?" I gave them both a worried look as they looked more stressed than worried, "right?"

"We actually don't think you're going crazy at all", "Lucas dont!" Nat yells.

"She needs to know, Natalie, it's time for her to know" ,

what were they on about,

"know what?"

Natalie takes a deep breath," the 'thing' you saw in the water was a siren, and..." she looked at Lucas for a reassuring look before continuing, he gave her a nod as a sign to keep going. "...and well I'm a fairy and Lucas is a werewolf and we were assigned to protect you". Not a word left my mouth, but then i started to laugh a little, "okay i was believing the siren part but you a fairy and lucas a werewolf, yeah okay" i was laughing to myself but they both looked super serious, the smile wiped off my face, "oh you weren't joking were you".

"No we weren't" Nat said with such a calm face, how she was so calm at this moment I didn't know, but meanwhile my heart was about to beat out of my chest.

"Assigned by who, what are you protecting me from"

"Maybe we should leave you alone for a bit to process this before telling you more" I looked at lucas.

"Yeah we will come back in half an hour okay", Lucas says with such a sweet voice, I could never imagine him as a wolf, a beast who hunts on a full moon.

"Okay". As soon as they walk out of the room and I hear a mischievous snigger , which sends shivers down my spine, she immediately looks to the figure stepping out the dark corner of the room.

He was young like me, maybe 17 or 18. He wore a leather jacket and black jeans like a typical human but what she noticed more was the grin on his face.

"Who are you?" I say with panic in my voice.

"That's not what concerns you, but don't you find it funny Reyna that your best friends turn out to be an evil, mischievous fairy who will lie through her teeth every chance she can, and a meat eating monster who cant control himself around a full moon, and they still haven't told you the truth of who you are."

"First of all, how do you know my name and what do you mean who I am". I had to question.

"Well i've been very intrigued with who you are Reyna and I can't wait till they finally tell you, who am i to ruin the surprise" he says with the deepness in his voice. " See you around Haven and whatever you do don't trust them.'' The lights started to flicker in the room, and for a second I thought I saw wings spread out of his back and then he was gone, and the lights stopped flickering.Who was Haven?

For a second I had thought about how my life used to be so calm, the peace of living a normal life then I realised everything she was just told. Sirens, werewolves, fairies, they are all real. My world was about to change but was it for better or for the worse.

Nat reminded me of my mother and every story she used to tell me before I would go to sleep. The mysterious boy told me that Nat was an evil mischievous fairy who would try and lie whenever she could, and I wondered if it could be true. My mother once told me a story of how fairies used to take humans from our world leaving a doppelganger behind, sometimes they would leave their children or even a piece of wood to look like the stolen person.

What if this was true? The story always made me worry about the stolen people and I would always wonder why my mother would tell me such a story at such a young age, but maybe she knew what was to come in my future.

I wish I could ask my mother now but it's okay she will be with my dad in heaven, even if i never believed in such a place, i had always hoped they had found some sort of piece.

What was going on, within the space of 10 minutes my life had immediately changed.

Lucas and Nat walk in quietly, "are you ready to talk", 'was i ready?'

"I don't think so, i'm just really overwhelmed by everything right now", 'should i tell them about the boy or should i wait because to be honest im still on edge whether to trust them, i wonder how long they kept this from me.' Reyna had thought

"It's okay, the doctor said that you can leave the hospital soon, so you should be in your own bed tonight and get some real rest". Nat had said this with a really comforting voice. I wish I could trust her right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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