•//Chapter 1//•

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//this chapter contains: murder//

/third person POV/
He played with his ring, twisting it. He was snapped out of his thoughts, by her screaming. She was begging for her life "PLEASE, P-PLEASE.." over and over she yelled, but no one would hear her scream. He walked over, squatting down to look at her. He then placed his blade against her throat, dragging it. He had slit her throat, she bled out in front of him. All he could do was chuckle at her pathetic act to beg for her life. He felt nothing for her, he walked off into her kitchen.

He put on gloves and cleaned the one wine glass that had his prints on it, he then washed the plate & silverware he had used. You may think of this as a "date gone horribly wrong." He then makes sure to double check that he left nothing out of place. He takes one last look at her, smiling at the sight of her bloody body just lying there on the floor.

- on the drive home -

//Allen's POV//

I turned up the music, driving fast on the freeway. I finally get into my driveway, I get out and head into my house turning the doorknob twice. I walk to the kitchen and start to wash my knife, I then take off my gloves and throw them away. "what a messy day.." I head to the fridge grabbing a beer, then walking to my couch. I sit down and turn my TV on, I put on some stupid 'animal planet' crap. I sip my beer and scroll through my phone, I then check a text that I got while I was driving. It read "look at this" (-from •nerdy•) she's so annoying god I don't know why I asked for her help.

I open the message and look at the photo attached to it, it's a photo of yesterday's newspaper. But more specifically a newspaper column that's about me, the column goes into great detail about my killings. I don't bother texting back, I'm to fascinated with this column. The detail is magnificent, I could feel myself getting slightly excited. I quickly turned my phone off and took another sip of my beer, I then opened my phone and went straight to messages. I typed 'find out more on her.' then hit send, I may have just found my next victim. Only a few moments later my phone was blowing up, she had already sent me everything all the way from her hair color to her shoe size. This chick was crazy and that's just what I needed on my side, I spent that night stalking a girl I had never seen before, though I couldn't help but be intrigued.

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