Meeting the Spider

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"I'm the one they call Agent Spider," He tells them

"How the hell did you get in here?" Clint asks shocked by the Spiders presence. 

"I came in through the window," Agent Spider informs.


"That doesn't matter right now," The Agent says while rolling his eyes under his mask. 

"Who are you?" Steve asks. 

"I already said that I was Agent Spider," the agent answers annoyed. 

"What is your name?" Steve elaborates. Agent Spider thinks for a moment. 

"I guess you can call me Agent Parker," Peter tells them. 

"Your name is Parker?" Tony asks. 

"No, that's my last name,"

 "What's your first name?" 

"That is a privilege that is earned not given," Peter said rolling his eyes through his half face black mask (like the Winter Soldiers).

 "How do we even know if we can trust you?" Tony said.

 "Call it faith, now, we have meeting to get to," Peter said walking out of the room.

 "Should we follow him?" They asked Natasha.

"If you guys are done asking Ms. Romanoff what to do, you guys should probably hurry, how late you are depends how nice I am," Peter called out from the hallway, before disappearing. 

 They all scrambled to get to the meeting room. Peter was upside-down on the ceiling waiting for everyone. 

"He tells us not to be late, but he's not even here," Sam grumbles. 

"Actually, I was the first person here," Peter spoke up. All eye go straight to agent on the ceiling. 

"How the hell are you up there?" Clint asks.

"Watch your mouth Mr.Barton, there are elders in the room" Peter spoke in a joking tone. A few snickers were heard from the team.

 "Is everyone here, Agent?" Fury asked walking into the meeting room. 

"Yes sir, they were 2 hours, 54 minutes, and 34 seconds late," Peter answered.

 "2 hours?" Tony asked. 

"This meeting was supposed to be done at shield at 800 am, you guys fought and argued, fury showed up. I was called in and you guys managed to get to this meeting room 2 hours and 54 minutes after the designated time," Peter explained.

"Agent Parker here will be your new baby sitter, and trainer, he's trained the best agents we've ever had including Coulson and Maria," Fury informed them. 

"He is your boss now, he has access to everything about you guys, and he has full control over Friday," Fury continued.

 "Friday! She's mine!" Tony yelled. 

"Actually Mr.Stark I don't belong to any one," Friday chimed in.

 "Sorry, Fri," Tony apologized.

"Listen I don't care about your childish squabbles, Mr.Stark, I have control over Friday and if you try to do anything about it, Friday will be shut down until I say otherwise," Peter told them.

 "I hope you guys know that I'm serious when I said he's your new trainer and babysitter, even the new avengers are required to listen to him." Fury said.

 "He also doesn't take anyone shit. I watched him nearly kill a newbie for a sexist comment towards another newbie," Fury said. 

"Now, now, I didn't nearly kill him." Peter defended. 

"He was so traumatized he quit,"

"Then that means he was too weak to handle SHIELD," Peter said. 

"Only two people know what happened in that room Parker, and one of them is too scared to even speak anymore, and the other is you," Fury countered. 

"Moving on, I have a strict schedule for you to follow, and if you don't, there will be punishment, if you do, there will be rewards," Peter said handing them all a paper.


Wake up-800
Eat healthy breakfast
Work on mission reports
Eat lunch
Mind training
Team bonding
Free time
Free time
11:00 bed time

They all stare at the paper in their hands. "Also there's a lab time limit and you have to participate in everything," Peter said. 

"We are grown ass adults we don't need a bed time," Tony argued. 

"Mr. Stark. You've slept 8 hours in the past two weeks, and since you are no longer allowed to have more than two cups of coffee, you are gonna need to sleep, I won't hesitate to force you to sleep," Peter said.

"Two cups of coffee!" Most members yelled. 

"I suggest you rethink your tones," Peter growled. A few of them gulped.

 "Why only 2 cups of coffee?" Bucky asked politely. 

"That's just a starting amount, if you show me that you deserve it I might just give you more," Peter explained calmly. 

"But why only two?" Sam persisted. 

"Only one for you Mr.Wilson, anyone else have any questions?" Peter asked getting annoyed. They all shake their heads no. 

 "Good, Mr.Stark, do you happen to have an extra room I can use while I'm here?" Peter asked politely.

"Yes, it's between Bucky's and Natasha's room," Tony answered. 

"Thank you, I'll be going to retrieve somethings," Peter said jumping down from the ceiling. Peter walked out of the room casually, and went straight to the elevator

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