Voice In Chaos - 2

Start from the beginning

The other victims, he feared, had held out hope that they would escape alive, but in the end, they couldn't do it. If things happened too quickly, the system would automatically block those who couldn't be rescued, and Krill wouldn't be able to receive any signals.

As Jessica had said, it was still early before dawn. And this was still a hunting ground for humans. For the next nearly two hours, the ghost entered and left the forest. It doesn't make a sound, much less a trace, no body heat, but a constant stream of bullets. The interception of the hunters' intercom signals, in such a large part of the forest, completely changed the course of the night's game.

The hunters had long since been in disarray and had been unable to communicate with the organisers of the game. They naturally assumed that, as the rules agreed beforehand. The police must have suddenly intervened and abandoned their prey, which had run far away, in an attempt to leave the field.

Jessica found a deeply recessed tree pit and waited quietly in it. The dark rash of her body gave her cover as she moved, more like a log than anything else. Krill had to say that Jessica had a talent for concealment and had already hunted down three hunters in quick succession from the shadows.

Two more were now coming in her direction.

She held her breath.

A thin finger on the trigger, Krill looked around before falling silent in her consciousness, inwardly devastated - How on earth had it come to this... was there something wrong with the way he was talking?

A hunter was the first to come into range of Jessica's shot. The girl's fingers twitched slightly, but she was patient enough not to fire. That was until the second hunter also came under her aim.

Everything around her seemed to stand still. The only sounds in the cold, wet air were the rushing wind and the footsteps of the two hunters. They looked around warily from time to time, then quickly ran past the spot where Jessica was hiding.

The wind ruffled a strand of Jessica's hair as it drifted past her eyes... The golden cloud of consciousness looked soft and shifting, but upon closer inspection, it felt like the surface of his consciousness was woven of metal, with indescribable forces hovering within.

Krill's voice was filtered to sound unemotional, but equally unaggressive. Bentley couldn't read his mind or understand him, but Krill was the opposite.

In Krill's mind, there is a fundamental difference between shuttling himself between people to escape reality, but like Bentley, he takes the initiative to help others. So when faced with such a pure person, Krill is somewhat ashamed of himself and shrinks back. In the darkness, Krill waited for Bentley's response, and to his surprise, it took a long time before the gentle voice, restraining the emotions that had shaken him not long before, said in a somewhat husky voice:

"You're beautiful, Krill."


Krill rolled over hard from the ground like a dying goldfish, forehead propped up on the ground, eyes blackened. He looked back to the tall shadows behind him, sweaty, skeletal fingers sinking deep into the connection between skin and metal on his chest.

He couldn't take it anymore, he had to get the damn thing out!

A sharp, unspeakable pain came from his sternum, radiating to all the painful nerves in his periphery. The device sensed Krill's actions and spontaneously switched on the stop function.

"What are you doing!"

Twenty minutes had passed since returning to this bedroom, and William's anger showed no sign of abating, while Wesley felt like it had been days and nights long. A large hand pressed down on Krill's shoulder and violently flipped him over.

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