Agent Spider

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Fury was impatient, amongst other things. He called an Avengers meeting about an hour ago, and not even Romanoff has showed. He storms out of his office and into his car. He was gonna see what was taking so long. He raced over to the avengers compound. He wasn't gonna like what he sees. When he walked into the living room, he immediately loses all chill. 

"WHAT THE HELL AM I LOOKING AT?" He yells at the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, who were all covered in food. 

"What does it look like Patchy the Pirate," Tony Stark jokes.

 "That's it I'm done," Fury exclaimed. 

Every Avenger stops their movements and they stare at the Director. 

"I'm sick and tired of everyone's childishness, so I'm calling in Agent Spider," Fury says. Natasha and Clint gasp. 

"Who's Agent Spider?" Steve Rogers asks.

 "Agent Spider is the best Agent SHIELD has, he's known for being one of the top assassins in his field and he's also the person who trained my highest ranking shield agents, agents like Coulson and Maria," Fury explained, 

"Why are you bringing him in?" Tony asks.

 "Because if anyone can handle you guys, he's the one."

 "I really don't think that's necessary sir," Clint says. 

"Too late, Barton, He'll be here later, expect a lot of things to change," Fury tells them before walking out. The Avengers clean up the mess from their food fight and they all gather in the living room.

 "What can you tell us about the Agent Spider?" Bruce asks the Spy Duo.

 "He's the most feared assassin, more feared than the Winter Soldier," Clint starts. 

"He's the best of the best and he doesn't have any weaknesses," Natasha continues. 

"There are rumors that he's a complete psychopath, and that he isn't fully human, some people say that his glare can give someone a heart attack," Clint finished. 

"That sounds like a ghost story," Sam laughs. 

"He's practically a ghost, no one knows what he looks like, and anyone who finds out ends up dead," Natasha says while a hint, a teeny tiny hint of fear in her voice. The Avengers shutter at the thought.

"How old is he?" Steve asks. 

"No one knows, hell, we don't even know if Agent Spider is a he," Clint says. 

"Are you scared of him old man?" Pietro asks the Archer. 

"Damn right I am, you better be too, there's a reason no on talks about him," Clint says.

Somewhere not so far away, Agent Spider was laughing. "Wow, I didn't think people were that scared of me," Agent Spider said to Nick Fury.

 "Well, Most of the rumors about you are true," Fury countered.

"Yeah, I guess so," The Spider said laughing a little more. "So, What is my mission, Uncle Fury?" 

"You're mission is to watch, train, and care for the Avengers, Make sure they don't do too many stupid things, and that they don't fight as much, I also need you to keep them in shape," Fury explained.

 "Yes Sir, anything else?" The Agents asks.

 "Try to help them get along, do team bonding with them or something," Fury says. 

"Sounds like a plan Stan," The spider says before jumping out of the window.

"I asked you to stop doing that!" Fury yelled out the window.

Agent Spider made his way to the compound via webs. He snuck in through a window that was open in the kitchen. He crawled in and stayed on the ceiling, and watched the Spy Duo share stories about him. 

"After he killed the Leader, it's said that he ended up blowing up the base before he left, burning all of the Hydra resources down with it," Clint said finishing up the story. The Avengers watched the Archer and Widow in pure fascination.

 "One more? Please?" They all begged. The Spider held in a laugh. 

"Last one, So I was reading a mission report from one of his older missions, because Fury asked me to, and apparently he walked right into a Hydra base, by himself, and took down about 120 guards, and rescued about 25 soldiers that Hydra captured, and he personally "interrogated" the leader and found out where about 13 more bases were located," Natasha informs them. 

"There is no way that someone did all of that," Tony said in disbelief.

 "Actually a lot of that was very accurate," The Agent said from his spot on the ceiling. All the Avengers jump in fright. 

"I'm not that scary," The Agent said through his mask.  

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asks. The Agent lowers himself to the ground and looks at the frightened Avengers. 

"I'm the one they call Agent Spider," He tells them

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