Meet our protagonists

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Hello I am Narrator. The narrator. I'll be narrating this story. This story will be about two idiots that meet their idol. I'll stick around to narrate the whole story. Or not. I'm needed on the set of Bobba Fet for some reason.

Our protagonists are Wesley and Quebec. Wesley works in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Yes he works in a office job for a paper company. No it's actually not THE office. It's just a competitive brand. Anyway, he hates 4th wall breaks. This is because at five years old, he lost his mother to Michael Jackson doing a 4th wall break.
It was tragic.
David Bowie, his father, was well David Bowie. So he usually didn't have time for his son. He did however dissociate from MJ after the incident. Wesley does like unexpected events because he was the baby in the Labrinth and that was one of the only times him and his father had bonding time. His best friends are Quebec and Kat.

Oh that's right! Quebec. Yeah Quebec is the more stupid one. He actually works for Walter White and sells weed. Or marijuana. Actually pm any kind of drug. Even Flintstones vitamins for some odd reason. And because of this, he's always high. That's why when you talk to him, you'll smell a faint waft of marijuana while looking into his ruby red eyes. Hello darkness my old friend.
He hates Kool aid because his father was a time traveler but unfortunately got into a cult.
Y'know that one that drank Kool aid and everyone committed Roblox end. So yeah he dead. Quebec usually gets confused as the country. Since his name is literally a fucking country. In contrast to Wesley's brown hair, Quebec has electric blue hair. He once accidentally bought blue hair dye when he wanted black. It's been like that since.

Another friend of Wesley and Quebec's is Kat. She just so happens to be a Calico cat with neon magenta hair. She's not that important because she's only a side character. But I will say she runs a skating rink and has sarcastic humor. Oddly she hates tuna. No one knows why.

Wesley and Quebec are sitting on their couch watching their absolutely favorite YouTuber, Dream. Every sane person hates Dream except for these two knuckle heads.
"I can't wait to watch this Minecraft speed run!" Quebec squealed gleefully.
Wesley retorted, "Me too! Can't believe people are trying to cancel him on Twitter."
They both laughed at how their god could possibly be deafted. He was their hero.


Dream was done uploading his Minecraft smp play with his friends. He wiped his forehead and sighed, "Phew, that was the longest I've gone streaming!"
He looked at the clock. "Jeez! It's been 4 hours! I gotta go check up on my kittens on discord!"
Dream hops onto discord and starts flirting with his e girl weeb fans who are, most likely, younger than him.
God, this guy's gross.
Why do Wesley and Quebec like him again?
Dream then thought to himself, I wonder if I can lock up two of my most desperate fans...I need to play out my cheese on toes fetish after all. Dream hatched up a plan. He would put up a challenge on Twitter if someone could film the most batshit video they could meet him in person.
The thing was, who would be stupid enough to fall for this?

Quebec was checking up on his Twitter account. Since he sold drugs, he had quite the following. Usually, Quebec would message his consumers on there. But before he did, Quebec saw Dream's recent tweet.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!""What's wrong Que?!""WES LOOK!!!"Quebec shoved the phone into Wesley's face

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"What's wrong Que?!"
Quebec shoved the phone into Wesley's face. Wesley took it from him and studied the tweet. His face lit up instantly.
"Quebec, you think we could do this?"
"Are you kidding me Wes? You and me have got through so much shit together! Remember the toilet in Japan?"
Wesley looked at him confused.
"Y'know, when you were drunk and Jackie Chan shoved your head in a toilet and I killed him with a AK 47?"
"Um no..."
"The point is, we we're made to do this bro!!! C'mon get the camcorder!!"
So this was it for our heroes. Trust me, from here crazy crap happens. Hold on tight folks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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Wesley and Quebec meet Dream (a shitty story)Where stories live. Discover now