Start from the beginning

"It's nothing all that special, really. I.." You hesitated. Your mind was completely blank and devoid of any coherent sentence worth elaborating.

"You what, (Y/N)?"

"Mei is a very brilliant girl. I'm sure you two know that, and I know it too. I've been close with her because of that. She's so... I don't know... something about her makes me feel... safe."

"Where are you going with this?" Ming spoke. Sweat started to bead from your forehead.

"All I'm trying to say is because of how special she is and how fond you two are of me, I hope it wouldn't be a burden for you two if I were to..." You couldn't spit the rest out. It was simple in theory. You played it out in your head multiple times. You would confess your love for Mei, dismiss any concerns of theirs, and live on with Mei for the foreseen future, careless of the world. Now here you sat, feeling like you're shrinking down and down until you disappear out of sight.



"Mrs. Lee, I'm your daughter's girlfriend." It was a lot more straightforward than you wished. Ming gasped but still managed to remain a neutral expression.

"You're dating my daughter. I.. wha-..for how long exactly?"

"About 2 months."

Ming turned to Mei who was turning redder (haha I'm so funny) by the minute. Ming leaned toward her daughter.

"Mei, you know you're too young for these kinds of relationships."

"We aren't doing anything intense, Mom. It's just us, you know..." Mei answered timidly.

"I cannot trust (Y/N) enough for this to work out. She's a nice girl but it's just too much for you. You're still so young and I don't know what she will do to you or..."

"I'm not an evil person, Mrs. Lee," You interrupted sternly, standing up from your seat. Ming gave you an offended look as she turned her attention to you. Your sudden act of defense was immediately biting you in the ass.

"I know you know better than to interrupt me,(Y/N). I know how much Mei may mean to you, but this is just too much for her. You two are still children. I don't know what will happen. What if she gets hurt?"

"Who says I'll hurt her?!" You could feel your cheeks burning. Jin tries not to make eye contact with either of y'all.

"I didn't say you would hurt her. I said what if she gets hurt because of you dating her. Like a breakup or something worse. I'm worried you're not thinking this through enough. For crying out loud you two are 13!  You're way too young to be worried about relationships or all this stuff. I.." Ming felt winded and fell back in her chair, hands covering her face as she breathed calmly.

You looked at Mei, seeing her about to break. While still mostly human, she tried to hide her transformed paws and tail. You wanted to consult her. You wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be alright. But now, you stood petrified.

"(Y/N)..." Ming said lowly. "I must ask you to leave."


"Let's talk about this another time. This is already so heated and it can only get worse if we continue arguing. I don't care when I see you again. Anytime but now would be appreciated."

"(Y/N) is not leaving Mom! Please!" Mei exclaimed.

"Mei, it's fine," You said solemnly. "We'll talk about this later."

"But (Y/N)-"

"Mei if I keep arguing, she's probably not gonna consider it at all. It's alright." You left the dinner table quietly and went to Mei's room to get your backpack. Ming glanced at her distraught daughter and spoke softly.

"Mei, I don't hate (Y/N). It's just you're not that old enough to be in relationships."

"Mom... please. It's just like when we were friends."

"Mei, I've made it clear-"

Mei then stood up abruptly and stormed to her room to see you still in there, not even attempting to pack up your stuff.

"(Y/N)? I thought you were packing."

"I should be," You said "I know your mom said to wait until another day, but I still want to talk to her."

Just then, you two heard soft footsteps coming towards Mei's room. The door opens as Jin walked in.

"Are you alright kiddos? Got pretty intense in there."

"Yeah. Is Mom coming too?"

"No. She wants to cool down for a while." Jin sits on Mei's bed, patting the spots between him to get you and Mei to sit next to him. You two obliged.
"Look, your mother is right about you two being too young for a relationship, but I know you aren't lying about it not being extremely intimate, right?"

"Yeah. We don't even kiss all that much. That doesn't mean we aren't together."

"The most I can say about all this drama is that, as long as you two don't get into some mess, then I don't mind you dating (Y/N)."


"Sure! Besides I'd like to see you more, (Y/N). You're a real help around this house, you know."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee. But what about Mei's mom?"

"Oh, Ming. Her only concern is with your ages and what love tends to lead to. I know you two won't do anything like that, and I feel like Ming is going to realize it sooner or later. The most I can say is that while I allow the relationship, please keep it minimum around Ming. She wouldn't get mad per se, just more skeptical. That's just how she is. She may not be too excited it now, but I know she'll grow to you, (Y/N)."

You and Mei sighed in relief. It's not how you initially wanted it to be, but it was 10 times better than disapproval.

"It's getting a bit late. Aren't you sleeping here tonight, (Y/N)?"

"Not really, but I can stay here for a little while before I leave if that's alright."

"Sure! Why not," Jin said as he stood up and walked out of Mei's room.

"What did you say to them, Jin?" Ming asked as she got ready for bed in a tank top and baggy grey sweats.

"Ming, what do you think those two girls will do when they're dating?"

Ming looked at her husband dubiously before answering, "Hopefully nothing explicit. I know Mei won't do that stuff but I don't know about (Y/N). Why?"

"I think it's time we let Mei date (Y/N)."

"Jin!" Ming exclaimed, perking up. "We can't! I cannot completely trust (Y/N) and you know that!"

"We've known (Y/N) enough to know she's not a bad person. Plus Mei trusts her a lot like her all of her other friends. If anything bad happens between them, we'll be here to stop it."

"But I don't want to intervene when it's happening. I want to do it before it happens."

"Ming, we have to let them explore a little bit. If Mei says something's wrong, we can end it there. If we find something wrong, we can end it there too. They're kids anyway so it'll probably be something minor like a breakup."

Ming stayed quiet for a while, looking away from her husband. When she finally spoke, she did so softly as to not let any of her words reek of uncertainty or doubt.

"Alright. Fine. We'll let them date. But we need to have ground rules. We need a strict curfew, no getting too touchy, nothing sexual, including jokes. We cannot let it-"

"Relax Honey. They're both 13. They won't do such things. Let's be more lenient on them for now."

"Fine." Ming lays down as Jin walks out of the bedroom to get water. She looked over at a framed photo of her family. Maybe, at least right now, it'll be fine. She could only wonder what will come of your relationship, but she begs that it won't end up in turmoil. Secretly, she hoped for you two's relationship to end well.

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