Chapter Seventy One

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Hello everyone! 💗 Happy April! 🌈🌸🦋☀️ I hope this month is filled with blessings and happiness for all of you!

Here's the latest chapter of Celebrity Crush! I know it's been about a few weeks but I really thank you all for being so patient.

Warnings: smut, pregnancy inaccuracies?!, a very dramatic Y/n (she's a warning), all mistakes are mine! Not proofread.

It's a long one, so grab your snacks and find a comfy space! ✨

"This is nice," I lay my head on Chris's shoulder, my hand wrapped around his bicep as he pushed the stroller that Sienna was in. Along with Dodger's leash which was tied to the handle of the stroller.

Sienna was waving at everyone who passed us on the trail in this beautiful park. She is so social and getting to be so talkative. Sometimes I dwell on the fact that my first baby is growing up so fast...

"Very nice," Chris replies, turning his face just enough to kiss my forehead as we kept walking under the green trees that surrounded this park.

We noticed the paparazzi was near as well, but Chris told me to just ignore them and pretend they weren't there.

We found a nice spot under the trees and on the grass to have our picnic.

Chris grabbed the basket from the stroller as I unbuckled Nena from her seat in the stroller.

Her outfit today consisted of overalls, a cute white t-shirt with Mickey Mouse faces all over it, and a baseball hat to protect her baby face from the harmful rays of the sun.

My outfit consisted of a cute flowy sundress with a sunhat and Chris wore a plain white tee with some shorts and a backwards hat - of course.

I helped Chris unfold the blanket for us to sit on, then I took a seat with Nena in my arms. While Chris untied Dodger from the stroller and wrapped the leash around his hand...then he took a seat across from Nena and I.

We had our lunch there, I made us cute little sandwiches with fresh fruit and fresh squeezed juice.

"Dadaa....oh Dada....." Sienna is in this phase where she will sing either dada, mama or ger-ger in a tune, "...daaadaaaaa...." she really extends that last part.

"Wow, princess!" And Chris of course is over the moon and can not complain, "I think you're going to have Daddy's singing voice!"

She smiles big and squeals at her father encouraging her, so she stands and very carefully makes her way over to him, weaving her way around the plates and cups we had set out. I fix her overalls and her hat which had moved down so you couldn't really see her eyes.

By the time she made it over to Chris her hat had fallen again but Chris fixed it, but before he did he decided to mess with her and pull her hat all the way down so she really couldn't see.

Sienna began looking around, confused as to why she couldn't see anymore.

"Chris...." I use a scolding tone, he better stop messing with my baby.

He cracks up laughing at Sienna's reaction, holding the left side of his chest. Sienna had fallen to her hands and knees because she was probably still very confused.

"Alright, alright," I give Chris a look and he knows I'm a bit annoyed.

Chris fixes the hat and turns it so Sienna is wearing it backwards, as he arranges her so she's sitting in between his legs.

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