"Thanks for letting Dani stay here," said Mr Byers as he smiled at Connie and Daniel "and Hailey I hope she won't be a handful,"

"She won't we're going to have so much fun!" Said Hailey as she squeezed Danielle in a hug

"Dad you really aren't going to let me stay here are you?"

"It's for your own good," said Mr Byers "how call me if anything happens,"

"Will do Kyle," said Connie as she waved at Kyle Who walked out the door, Connie shut the door as she turned to the girls

"Hailey why don't you show Dani her room?"

"Sure," smiled Hailey "come on Dan I'll show you your room,"


"And this is the peach pit," said Hailey as she was giving Danielle the grand tour of Beverly Hills

Hailey sat down at a counter stool as Danielle sat next to her

"I suggest the mega burger it's to die for," said Hailey as she flipped through the menu 

"Yeah I don't eat burgers I'll just have a salad," said Danielle as she looked around

"Hey Hailey who's your guest?"

"Brandon I want you to meet Danielle my cousin she's staying with us for the remainder of her high school education," smiled Hailey

"Wow this place is cool," said Danielle as she kept her eyes on a certain place on the wall

"Thanks Nat spent all summer making it look pretty," said Brandon as he smiled

Brandon looked at the girl with a smile on his face, he was in deep thought before snapping out of it

"So what do you ladies want?"

"I'll take the mega burger with some fries," said Hailey

"Yeah I'll take a salad," said Danielle as she got up

"Alright I'll be back with your food," said Brandon as he walked away

"Dani Brandon was totally checking you out," gushed Hailey as she walked to the jukebox in which Danielle was at

"No he wasn't," laughed Danielle as she briefly looked at Hailey before looking back at the juke box "got a quarter?" Asked Danielle as she held out her hand her eyes not leaving the juke box

Hailey rolled her eyes before rummaging through her pockets for a quarter

"Here Dork, I'm going to use the bathroom," said Hailey "and please don't do anything illegal while I'm gone,"

"Hailey do I look like I'm 10?" Asked Danielle as she looked at her cousin

Danielle walked to the Juke box as she was infuriated. She placed the quarter into the machine before selecting a song, when she did someone came up to her  

"What's a pretty lady doing standing here by herself?" Asked a curly haired boy as he placed his hand on the wall basically halfway cornering Danielle

"Is that supposed to flatter me?" Asked Danielle as she looked at the boy

"If you want it to," said the boy "Steve Sanders,"

"Danielle Byers I just moved here," said Danielle as she turned to face the boy

"Oh so your a transfer student?"

"I guess so, I'm living with my aunt Connie and My Cousin Hailey,"

"Well can I get your number?"

"Sure," said Danielle as she took a pen from a waitress, she looked at the waitress apologetically

"Don't worry I'll give it back," said Danielle as she grabbed Steve's arm as she wrote her number on his arm as she held the cap of the pen with her teeth

"I know we just met but that was cute," said Steve as he looked at Danielle with a Loop-sided smile, Danielle grinned

"Yeah well I'll see ya,"

"Brandon give this one back to that waitress," said Danielle as she pointed to a blonde haired girl as she was talking to another customer

"Will do," smiled Brandon


"Dani you left me at the peach pit!" Whined Hailey as she slammed her purse on Danielle bed before sitting down

"Uh I don't think I gave you permission to walk into my room,"

Hailey rolled her eyes before walking backwards to the door before knocking as she held a straight face

"How May I be your assistant?"

"Cut the crap Dani, you left me at the peach pit," said Hailey "and to make matters worse I had to get a lift from Steve,"

"Wait Steve Sanders?" Asked Danielle as she laughed "he's not the bad,"

"Please he's the biggest womanizer at West Beverly," said Hailey as she placed her hand open in front of her as she was trying to make a point "My Friend Melissa went out with him and he dumped her the next day," 

"Yeah but all boys do that," said Danielle as she stopped writing 

"Not Brandon Walsh," said Hailey as she sighed dreamily as she placed her hand under her chin before letting out a sigh 

"Don't tell me you like him!" yelled Danielle as she smiled "Hailey this is huge," 

"Please he doesn't know i exist," Said Hailey, after she said that there was knock on Danielle's door 

"Girls dinner will be ready in a few minutes," smiled Connie as she left the room  

The two girls looked at Connie before looking back at each other, then back at Connie 

"Yes Mom!" shouted Hailey as she laughed 

"This is going to one heck of a year," said Danielle as she smiled before walking out of the room 

"Just wait till you attend West Beverly," said Hailey as she followed Danielle at her tail


Hopefully that was good, I had this in the drafts and thought i would post this chapter, anyway I know i started this story but as you can see it's on hold because of College but i'll be back to updating soon as possible! 


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