Lee Cheong-San

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Name: Kang Su-Jae
Age: 18
Prompt: Su-Jae comforts Cheong-San when he finds out that his mum was turned.
Su-Jae's POV:
I feel awful for him. It must be awful finding out your mum has turned trying to find you.

I walk up to Cheong-San and On-Jo and smile at the two of them. I know that they have been friends since they were kids because they are neighbours but I think it's cute now, especially knowing that Cheong-San has a crush on her. She knows but she keeps denying it.

"How are you Cheong-San?" I ask sympathetically.
He just ignores me and stares off into space.

"On-Jo. How is he? Has he spoken to you at all?" I ask On-Jo this time to see if I'll get a reply.

"He's been quiet. I think he's still trying to process it." She replies.

"Of course. On-Jo... I don't want to seem rude or nothing but do you mind if I sit with him? I mean I know he's your friend and everything and you've known him longer but I just want him to know that I'm here for him." I ramble on because I'm nervous about her answer.

"Of course Su-Jae. If you need me I'll be with the others." She smiles and walks off to join the others.

I sit down on the floor next to Cheong-San. I sit like that in silence for about 5 minutes before I decide to speak up.

"I know you're still trying to come to terms with the fact that your mum is... well... one of those...things. I get if you don't want to talk and just want to be left alone but you know I'm here and so is On-Jo and so are the others." I tell him. Being cautious about how I describe his mum because I don't want to hurt him even more.

He turns to look at me with a stoic expression. It was almost terrifying to be honest.

"Su-Jae, what am I supposed to do? She's my mum and now she's gone." He breaks down. I engulf him into a hug and just let him cry. The others notice his crying and turn to look at us. I wave them off to give Cheong-San some privacy.

"I know that this is new for you and you're so used to your mum being around and she was so loving. She made sure that everyone of your friends, including me and Gyeong-Su." I grimace as I mention his name because I feel like I've opened even more old wounds for him.  "...Were looked after." I continue from what I was saying before. "She was an amazing woman Cheong-San and you should remember her like that. That monster out there wasn't your mum."

"Yeah. I guess you're right Su-Jae. Thank you." He replies.

"For what?" I question him.

"For being here for me." He says gratefully.

"You don't need to thank me Cheong-San. You're my friend and I've already lost too many. I'm not losing another." I say pulling him into a hug.

"I get what you mean. Is there anything you want to talk about? Surely, this whole thing has had an effect on you." He asks concerned.

"I guess it would have if I'd have thought about it;I haven't had time to think about it though." I say truthfully.

"That's the problem with you Kang Su-Jae. You care way to much for other people and not enough about yourself." He says with a smile.

"Ah, well that's just me Lee Cheong-San and I'm never going to change." I reply whilst smiling back at him.

"Good. I hope you don't." He adds.
(A/N: I can do requests if you'd like. Also sorry I haven't updated and this might not be that great to be honest.)

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