Harry's face contorted in pleasure, his head rolling back. My hand caught the back of his neck, whilst my other continued to move against his prominent bulge. I leaned forward placing my lips on the warm skin of Harry's neck. His fingertips dug into my backside when I began to suck. For once I was the one in control as I fisted his curls between my fingers. A deep moan was forced from the back of his throat as I increased the intensity of my mouth, sucking as hard as I could. I wanted him to know how it felt; to have someone make you feel helpless. My teeth grazed the already red skin, still holding his head to my mouth.

A strangled moan echoed round the room before a wet heat spread in his boxers. Harry continued to breathe heavily as another wave crashed through him. His hands held me close as his hips rocked up, desperate for more contact.


I bit down on his neck as Harry stilled, coming down from his high. Both my hands now held him to my lips. He let out a grunt at my dominant actions, but quickly decided to reverse the roles. Harry flipped us over, my lips losing contact with his skin as I lay beneath him. He panted heavily above me before gripping both my wrists in one of his large hands, bringing my arms above my head. I nervously watched as he reached up to the painful looking purple mark on his neck. Harry's eyes squeezed closed as his fingertips gently brushed over the skin. I was somewhat surprised when he displayed a smirk.

"Was that payback?" He asked smiling.

I didn't reply.

"Maybe I should piss you off more often." He chuckled. "It's fun."

My eyes fluttered closed as he left a heavy kiss on my mouth. Harry's touch left my feeling weak as he playfully ran his tongue over my bottom lip. He released my wrists and climbed off of me, strolling over to the other side of the room. I sat up, resting my weight on my elbows. I couldn't help but admire the way his back muscles expanded and contracted when he walked. His belt was still undone as he turned to me. Clean boxers were held in his hand and he winked at me before closing the door to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on as I shuffled back on the bed. My fingers carefully ran over my lips, the tingling I felt when Harry kissed me still lingered on my mouth.


My eyes darted to the door, Harry emerging in just his boxers. He chucked his clothes into the washing basket as I watched him. His hair was in ringlets, still slightly damp from the shower. Small droplets of water glittered as they made paths down his neck and chest. Harry's toned torso caught my gaze, the v lines on his hips disappearing into his boxers. My eyes flicked back up to his face, which now held a grin and deep dimples. He was beautiful.

"Like what you see?" Harry smirked.

His deep laugh echoed round the room as my focus dropped down, my cheeks tingling with heat. I hastily got up when he walked round the other side of the bed.


I turned to see Harry's eyebrows raised expectantly. His pink tongue slipped out, wetting his lips before he spoke again.

"Where are you going?"

His bare, tanned skin distracted me for a second, but I composed myself quickly.

"Sofa." I replied hesitantly.

His dark curls tousled as he shook his head.

"Stay here."

I watched as he pulled back the covers, flicking his head, signalling me to come closer. Nervously I crossed the room to where he was stood. Harry leaned down, his nose brushing my cheek before he placed a lingering kiss on my face. My eyelashes fluttered at the sensation.

"Get in."

I still feared him, despite the intimate moment we shared a short time before. Harry intently observed me as I slowly raised my hand to his neck. He flinched slightly as my fingertips gently grazed over the sore mark on his skin. Harry's head tilted to the side as he allowed me to continue. A soft hum vibrated in his chest before I withdrew my presence.

I climbed into the bed and shuffled down into the warm confines. It smelt like him.

"Move over, Love." Harry winked.

I stared up at him.


Harry didn't wait for me to reply. I was nudged over to the other side of the bed, his warm body climbing in next to mine. Bare skin grazed my arm as he leant over me to the lamp, switching it off. I rolled onto my side, gasping when I felt a strong arm wrap round my waist. My body was pulled towards Harry, back pressed firmly to his front. His fingers grazed my neck as he pushed some of my hair away.

"Oh and don't worry, I plan on returning the favour." He whispered.

I understood exactly what he meant when his fingertips slipped under the t shirt I was wearing. They grazed the sensitive skin just above the top of my shorts. I felt his raspy chuckle as goose bumps formed under his touch. He held me tightly as I attempted to move away.


He lightly pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, his legs entwining with mine. I felt my body tingle, Harry's warm breath trickling over my skin. It was a little while before I could fully relax. Harry still held me to him even when he fell asleep. I laid awake for what seemed like hours, my mind racing, desperately trying to figure out what had happened to my normal life. Harry.

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