Chapter 1

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(A/N: This will mostly be written in the point of view of Rose but I will tell you if it switches. I'm a new stay so I'm not entirely fluent in stay world lingo so to speak, but I will be going off what I have seen on the youtube videos I binge. All names of anyone not in Stray Kids is made up and if it so happens to be the name of another Idol, it was not intentional and they are not related in any way to the person in the story.)

Lee Rose's Point of view:

I have been weird all my life, I was born without a soulmate mark. I was one half of the every 100 years a rare couple would be born without their mark couple, but I hid it from my friends, and they all just assumed I had yet to meet mine and as such I didn't like to talk about it. They have no clue the reason I don't talk about it is because of me not having the mark. Every one of my friends had one, Lisa, Hannah, Jennifer, and even my friend Elizabeth. I live in the US where I was born but I would move in a heartbeat if my soulmate wanted to be with me....When the fated pair as my kind are referred to are born, we do not learn of each other, just like any other soulmates, we have to find each other as organically as possible.

My Mom is from South Korea but they both moved here as 19 year old collage student and met my dad who grew up here in collage. She never returned home because this was my dad's home and where she met her other half so she stayed here with him to start a family in their meaningful city of Los Angeles. They travel a ton for work so I moved in with my friends after high school.

I walk through the hallways of my collage in deep thought, I am in an artistry collage for drawing and painting, they are both put into the same class because we are small enough that they combine the classes into one class. But I love it that way because I double up on talents in one class.

I focus so much on my art that I don't give myself time to have many hobbies or other interests. I listen to music while painting or drawing as background noise but I never fully pay attention to the radio that I usually play while I do my art.

I pop out of my thoughts as I walk to my desk and see Lisa sitting in her spot by me, "Hey Lis, Have fun at your aunt's wedding?" I ask, she had spent the night at her soulmate, Rachel's house last night after the wedding since they went together. 

"Yeah, it was great. I am glad she and Matthew got married, they have known each other for like ever, even before they knew they were soulmates so it's nice." Lisa nods, a smile on her face as she thinks of the happy pair.

"Did you only lock yourself in your room and work on our art projects again?" She asks knowingly, the typical mom mode smile adoring Lisa's pink painted lips.

A look of guilt flashes past my green eyes but I can't lie to her, the other three would tell on me anyways, "Y-yeah, but it's almost done, so that's something." I say softly.

"OK, well this weekend I am forcing you to listen to my favorite band Stray Kids this weekend." Lisa said, Elizabeth had started her on them and another band, BTS two years ago when Stray Kids first started and she was obsessed, I had not really payed attention since I was always doing some form of art, recently I had started Photography classes too so I was not home as often and had escaped most of her fangirling.

"Maybe later Lis, I have to do the two art assignments and their written parts and a photography one, so I will be booked all weekend. I am really sorry." I say apologetically, my green eyes falling to my paper in front of me as I continue sketching out my final project plan.

"That's ok, you only transferred to photography recently and have a ton to catch up on. If you need help, let me know." she smiles softly to me, her words only sounding reassuring and not a tinge of hurt in her voice.

Soon enough, lunch rolls around and as I sit at the table, I zone out, only catching buts of chatter about the group's soulmates, I sketch in my personal sketchbook, a picture I had taken taped to the back of a page that faces my drawing, a beautiful little butterfly on a rose with petals that bloomed in sunlight by a pond. I had taken this earlier this year and decided to draw the rose and the butterfly, wanting to eventually get it as a small tattoo if I ever got the guts up to do it, despite my fear of needles.

Not long after we got home, I locked myself in my room and worked on all the written tasks for my three projects, continuing my painting and drawing carefully with a small smile on my face as I listened to some classical music, not wanting to be fully distracted, I had found Nutcracker had been the perfect art music due to lack of lyrics and the calming but focusing sounds of the musical instruments that use their own ways to speak to the listener.  

My pale hand that swept across the canvas of my painting was moving on its own to make my art, an autopilot my body always had when working on my art, my plump lips I got from my mother were pursed in concentration as my green eyes with the freckles under them and across my cheeks and nose from my father no longer hidden by my makeup, my forehead smoothed out like my dad's as I work and softly hum the music in my earbuds.

The world seemed normal to me and like it would never change, I had been long accepting of that. Little did I know that I was oh so wrong and soon my world would turn upside down and hold many secrets that could make or break many ties in my life very fast.....

(A/N: So hopefully this first chapter is ok. I suck at writing so I apologize now, and while I am a new stray, I am hoping that this book will be ok and not let anyone down. I have no Idea how long it will be, more like a novel or if it will be more like a short story, but I randomly got this idea of it when I used my tattoo pens to make art on myself, even though it is temporary it gave me the idea and I may even use it as a reference in the story soon, who knows. I hope you like it non the less.....If anyone is even reading it that is. And while I don't have a bias as I adore the entire band far too much already, I have noticed that Hyunjin has far less stories like this than the other guys mostly so I am making it so he is the male love interest.)


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