🇫🇷☁️Late Nights.☁️🇬🇧

Start from the beginning

Canada began to struggle to hide his concern as he leaned forward and placed his hand on her forehead, his eyes widening as he pulled his hand back. France blinked a few times, an awkward smile growing on her face as the Canadian processed what he felt.

"Mom! You're burning up! I think you might have a fever.." her son jumped to his feet, helping his mother up from her chair. " You need to get to bed! I'll-I'll call dad and get him to come home as soon as he can so we can get you checked out."

The Canadian was able to drag his mother a few steps before France planted her feet into the wooden floor, her pink slippers squeaking against the surface. Canada was jerked back slightly but stopped to stare at his mother with longing eyes. France let out a mildly annoyed sigh, her thick skin showing once more. " Alright, I'll make you a deal mon fils. I'll go to bed but in return, I ask you to not call your father. It would be a terrible annoyance for me to make him return home for something as small as a little fever. He has such an important job that needs much more attention than I do. I would never forgive myself. "

"But Maman...I—" Canada decided to drop the subject. He knew that France would feel guilty for making Britain come home early for any reason even if it was for her own health. She was just like that. His parents loved each other to death but often had a terrible feeling that they were weighing each other down. His mind screamed for him to do something more but he respected France and wouldn't go against her wishes. Of course, he had already decided that if the situation got worse, he would call his father if she liked it or not. His thoughts swirled around in his head for a few seconds, but he eventually let go of his mother's hand, pulling her into a huge bear hug.

"Alright...I'll be reading in my room. Call me if you need anything..." Canada bit his lip uncertainty, before giving France a slight nod and picking up the old worn-down book on the counter. France let out a relieved sigh, kissing her son on the cheek then heading down the hall, her slippers dragging on the cold wooden floor. The cold breeze brushed against her face as she walked closer to the half-open window, pulling it down all the way and locking it. The scent of rain lingered in the air as she stared out the window for a few seconds, thinking of her husband who was hundreds of miles away. Kicking off her slippers, the country slipped into bed, throwing the sheets to the edge. The longer she sat there staring at the ceiling with glossy eyes, the warmer the room felt.

She wiped the sweat from her face with a small sneeze as she changed her mind and pulled the silk covers closer to her face. Her dark brown hair was a tangled mess and her plum-colored eyes were bloodshot and droopy from the overall lack of sleep. Today had been quite a day, even for the mother who thought she had become accustomed to every challenge that was thrown at her. The country groaned quietly and shut her eyes, her face slowly sliding into the feather pillows.

She knew she didn't give herself enough credit, but she had been through two world wars, a revolution, raising four large world countries, helping her husband break away from the EU, and yet she could still barely make it through a normal day. Everything seemed to weigh heavy on her shoulders and France had to focus on giving each of her children her undivided attention at one point or another.

Australia was always back and forth jumping off the walls looking for a lost spider or two and New Zealand, his twin brother who was also his partner in crime. Those two were inseparable; the only thing different about them is their choice of a favorite animal. That never seemed to stop them from causing trouble anyway.

Canada had always been rather quiet, taking a liking to books and various arithmetic that his father had been teaching him for the past months. Despite his shyness, he always carried a smile and was known for his gentle yet firm personality. France also couldn't deny that he was a very big mama's boy and could be easily attached to her side. It had its advantages and disadvantages at times, but she enjoyed his company and could count on him to help around the house when his siblings were making a mess.

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