The soldier and I were both exhausted when we were dumped into our shared room. The soldier, as usual, pulled himself to his feet first. He gently pulled me into his arms and tucked me into our bed, pulling himself into the uncomfortable chair beside the bed.

For the first time ever, the soldier's fingers ran across the bruises that were ever present on my forehead. Gently, he soothed the pain that was radiating from the crown of my head. Despite his attempts at comforting me, it wouldn't stop the inevitable whimpers that would fall from my mouth until I passed out from fatigue.

This time, I was able to feel how his fingers tensed as the first whimper left my mouth. I wasn't usually aware of the effect I had on the soldier, save for the times I was threatened out in the field. I had known that I was meant to be his weakness, but I hadn't realized how true it had become over our years of partnership.

"What can I do?" His voice was hoarse, and I would have winced at the sound if I wasn't so tired. "Rose, what can I do?"

"The lights." I croaked. "Too bright."

The soldier jumped up, rushing over and flicking off the lights in the room. Instantly, my head felt less like it was going to explode, and I offered the soldier a grateful nod. He settled back in the uncomfortable chair, his fingers gently gliding over the bruises once more. Another whimper fell from my lips, and the soldier did something unexpected.

He gently moved me to the other side of the bed and climbed onto the small bed, wrapping his arms around my frame. His hand came up and pressed my face against his chest, relaxing slightly into the mattress. His fingers found my forehead once again, and the pair of us fell asleep together for the first time.


Our handlers had woken us up after merely three hours of rest, claiming that it was time for the soldier and I to train. Despite still reeling from my time in the chair, I followed dutifully behind the soldier and trained the way it was expected of me. However, the handlers wanted to work us harder than usual, and in our slightly weakened states, it was much more difficult to perform.

I still worked hard, struggling to prove myself to the handlers and their harsh demands, only getting a moment to catch my breath when one of the handlers slapped me across the face. The force was enough to send me to the ground, and I was given a moment to breathe as the soldier grabbed the handler by the throat.

"Stand down, soldier." Alexander Pierce, our newest boss, commanded. The soldier dropped the handler, stepping between his limp body and mine protectively. "They should know better than to put their hands on your gift, soldier. I apologize."

The soldier didn't move, only eyed our new boss as I sat up from the floor.

"Please," Pierce nodded toward me. "Check on the asset. We can't have the Winter's Rose wilting on us."

At that, the soldier turned and knelt down, placing a hand on the side of my face that hadn't been struck. He gently turned my throbbing cheek toward him, glaring down at the no doubt red skin on my cheek. The soldier stood, offering me a hand and pulling me to my feet.

"Well, is she alright?" Pierce asked, watching the soldier carefully.

"She's done." The soldier decided, earning a scoff from our handlers.

"She's done when we say she's done." The handler stated, sneering at the soldier.

"Now, now." Pierce drawled, stepping onto the sparring mats. "She belongs to the soldier. If he says she's had enough, then she's had enough. Take her to your room, soldier. You'll both be pulled when a new mission comes up."

The soldier wasted no time in pushing me out of the training room and back into our room just down the hall. He sat me down on our bed and looked down at my face once more. He lifted his hand, gently running his fingers across my stinging cheek.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. I nodded at him, looking up into his tired eyes.

"Can I sleep?" I asked quietly. He nodded at me and moved to turn the light off. We both sat in the dark for a moment before I laid on the bed, and he sat at the table.


Our mission was to be given to us at the residence of Alexander Pierce. Our handlers had stormed into the room, forcing us into clean clothes and new shoes before stuffing the soldier and I into the back of a car. I noted that it was dark outside, and neither the soldier or I were given masks.

"Keep it quiet." We were instructed before we were tossed out of the car. The soldier had his firearms loaded and holstered to his new clothes, and I had my knives strapped into mine. The soldier nodded down at me and led us into Pierce's residence.

We avoided the housekeeper, sticking to the shadows before silently settling down at Pierce's dining room table. The soldier sat with his back to the wall, keeping a clear view of the entrances of the home. I sat to his left, eyes set on the weapon laid on the table. We watched Pierce open his fridge and pull out a carton of milk before he spotted us, startling him only slightly.

"I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce." The housekeeper sounded, just on the other side of the wall. "You need anything before I leave?"

"No... uh, it's fine, Renata, you can go home." Pierce dismissed her.

"Okay, night-night." The housekeeper said before heading out of the home.

"Good night." Pierce called, keeping his eyes trained on the soldier and I. Pierce waited for the front door to close before he spoke again. "You want some milk?"

I tilted my head at the request, knowing better than to give an answer. The soldier seemed to narrow his eyes slightly, but went back to watching Pierce blankly as soon as Pierce turned back around.

"The timetable has moved." Pierce stated. "Our window is limited."

Pierce drank the milk he'd just poured into his glass as he walked toward us. He hesitated only slightly before settling into the seat across from the soldier.

"Two targets, level six." Pierce continued, placing his glass beside the firearm on the table. "They already cost me Zola. I want confirmed death in 10 hours."

"Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I..." The housekeeper trailed off, looking between the soldier and I warily. "I forgot my phone."

I watched the housekeeper's expression move from confused to frightened as Pierce turned away from her.

"Oh, Renata, I wish you would have knocked." With that, Pierce reached for the soldier's firearm and shot the housekeeper twice in the torso.

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