Chapter 24: A Sudden Drop in The Temperature

Start from the beginning

Karaku: "Anyways."

Karaku cracked his fingers.

Karaku: "Let's teach him a lesson."

Aizetsu and Urogi nodded in unison.

Sekido: "Well, bring it on."

Right as they were about to spar, they were interrupted by a forced cough.

Akaza: "Ahem."

The boys looked over. Aizetsu went wide eyed.

Karaku: "Oh, you're awake."

Aizetsu: "HES AWAAAAKE!!"

Akaza: "Yeah, I've been listening to you dumbasses bickering for 2 minutes. Question, can you guys actually kill each other or is that impossible?"

Karaku: "It's impossible, but we're gonna try again anyways."

Akaza's POV:

That's a really dumb idea. If it's impossible, then why try? Eh, whatever.

Akaza: "I'm just gonna go if y'all are done with me.."

I started walking away, when Sekido shouted.


Akaza: "Oh my god does he ever shut up?"

I turned around and Sekido was coming towards me.

Akaza: "Y'know what? I really don't have time for this. Your lightning is annoying as shit and I ain't playing anymore."

I didn't even give him time to react. I appeared right in front of him and planted my fist in his face, sending him flying into oblivion. The other three just watched him fly over them.

Karaku: "Heh, nice."

Urogi: "WOW!!"

Aizetsu: "Oh god.."

Akaza: "I'm out."

But of course, everything has to be difficult for me. Right as I was about to boost myself into another room, I felt a sudden drop in the temperature, and my feet got stuck in a patch of ice.

???: "Ahem."

I groaned.


I broke one of my feet out of the ice and turned around. Aizetsu started tearing up again. Karaku cringed and Urogi just stood there with a dumb smile on his face. The Upper Moon Two strolled towards us.

Douma: "I heard my name. Whomst has summoned the almighty one?"

Karaku: "We mentioned you like 10 minutes ago but ok."

AKaza: "Would you please go fuck off somewhere else?? Like, even these bastards don't deserve your idiocracy."

Douma: "Idiocracy..?"

Akaza: "Literally go die."

Douma blinked.

Douma: "Awh, you're such a comedian, Akaza."

He chuckled, freezing my feet again. He walked over to me. I tried to punch my feet free before he could get to me, but unfortunately he was too fast. He put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me.

Douma: "What's the rush, Akaza? You got a date or something?"

The entire room went silent while he laughed at his own joke. I'm gonna give this man the hardest uppercut of his life.

Douma: "Why can't you just stay and chill a bit?"

The air seemed to get colder as he kept talking.

Akaza: "The master gave me a task, and I wish to complete it as soon as possible."

Douma: "Oh? What's the task? Can I join?"

I couldn't come up with a good enough excuse, I accidentally blurted out half of the truth.

Akaza: "I haven't been hunting a lot lately, so he wants me to go kill a bunch of people to make up for it."

Douma: "Oh? Akaza hasn't been killing?"

The clones looked at me weirdly too. I decided to use the same lie I used with Muzan.

Akaza: "Yeah, I found a marechi a few days ago."

Douma: "Really? You're lucky! I haven't found a marechi in like... 14 years!"

He looked at the clones.

Douma: "When was the last time you guys had a marechi?"

Karaku looked at the other two, and they came up with an answer.

Urogi: "Like 8 years ago."

Aizetsu: "Closer to 9."

Karaku: "Around 8 to 9 years ago."

Douma went wide eyed.

Douma: "Seriously?? Why am I so unlucky?"

Akaza: "Maybe because you're a lunatic. Now, let go of me."

Douma: "Eh?"

I elbowed him in the face, breaking out of the ice. His nose started to bleed.

Douma: "You've got a strong elbow."

He stopped the bleeding and wiped the blood off, licking it off his finger.

Aizetsu: "Did he really just lick blood that went through his nose hair..?"

Karaku: "Ew."

Urogi: (. w .)

Akaza: "You're literally disgusting, Douma. Please get help."

I blasted myself far away from those idiots and landed on a platform in front of a door. I rubbed my elbow.

Akaza: "Ugh.. Douma germs.."

I let out a sigh.

Akaza: "Nakime."

The door opened and I was let back out into the outside darkness. She dropped me in another forest area. Where she dropped me, I don't know, but I'll find my way back to Kyojuro's mansion irregardless. I stretched.

Akaza: "Finally, some fresh air.."

The door shut behind me and disappeared. I looked at the sky. The sun was likely about to come over the horizon in less than an hour.

Akaza: "Shit..."

I'm glad I told Kyojuro I'd be gone for 2 days. Not only do I have to go find the clothes I changed out of before meeting Muzan, but I have to kill a few people. I ran through the woods for a while and found an abandoned wooden shack where I could hide during the day time. As the sunlight peaked between the trees, I closed the wooden door. I sat on the ground and brought my knees to my chest. I laid my head on my knees and closed my eyes. Even though I technically don't need sleep, at least it helps me pass the time.

But for a demon like Nezuko to spend her daytime hours sleeping and building up energy instead of doing nothing like the rest of us.. Maybe she's the genius and the rest of us are just idiots. I exhaled and fell into a light sleep.

Since I've become an Alhaitham main, would anybody like to help me farm artifacts for him? 🤧

*sobs in he has like 9.7% crit rate*

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