EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp

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The Two looked at each other deeply Rosetta tightly grasps something from her hand before flying and charges towards Amberia
Meanwhile 16-C had a holographic screen and monitoring Data codes on Amberia's mind in order to implant something important aswell as Data collection
Amberia's Mind

Several Codes and landscapes are seen coming to be... Several lands of the Aru

Raiden:"So this is... Amberia's mind... Let's see..."

Raiden begins walking the land and follows a black haired female... With her are a couple of friends are running towards somewhere... Raiden soon followed

Raiden:"I programmed 16-C to infiltrate the bits and pieces of Amberia's mind... Severing some of her functions... It would take time for 16-C and Rosetta to defeat Amberia... As for me..."

Raiden follows the young Amberia before looking at a small invention he had

Raiden:"I'm trying... To... Do something... Unlike "her"..."

Raiden then moves his hand looking around and observing Amberia's world and see what histories he could uncover




Rosetta tries to keep Amberia's attention fixed into her before by fighting her nonstop

Rosetta:"Amberia... No.. Atiel"

Amberia Roars before sending multiple beams towards her however Rosetta dodged and used her shield to block another one before flying to Amberia's side and firing her Rail gun

Amberia:"You won't deny me of my Revenge! Rosetta!"

Rosetta just did a small sigh before firing her Railgun... Amberia summoned and fired spikes towards Rosetta who used her spear to block and deflect her attacks

She then dodged another attack before ramming Amberia with her shield and then spinning her shield

She then speeds up and stabs Amberia in the Waist

Rosetta:"Raiden... Be careful"
Raiden continues looking after the memory of Amberia... He found out many things that the Aru kept secret and many more

Raiden is currently overseeing Amberia playing with other children like herself
The sounds of laughter and happiness echoed as they all played amongst themselves throwing each other in the snow and engaging a snowball fight

Raiden:"... How... Beautiful"

Raiden didn't felt that happiness he remembers that as a child... Survival is your priority

Raiden then continues wandering Amberia's memories... He cames across a rather heartwarming scene

Amberia:"Mom look at this!"

Amberia says as she held a book infront of a Woman who appears to be her mother who was sitting in a chair looking at her with a smile

The Mother then pats Amberia's head as she compliments Amberia... The Father who Raiden sees a few feet talking with a scientist didn't bother with it much




//Punishing Gray Raven\\ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt