Chapter 3:

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[Lovino's POV]


Once we were far out of town, Feliciano and I unfolded our wings and took off as well, searching the skies and hoping the rest of the flock heard the scream as well. I soon saw Arthur join us in the air, Kiku close behind. Only Antonio was missing.

"H-he probably just went to look in a different place..." Kiku stuttered, trying lighten the mood.

"Right. We have to find Alwilda and Peter right now, we'll worry about him later." Arthur stated and suddenly started acting as if he was leader, pointing us out to different places to search. I followed his instruction anyhow, though. This was not the time to be fighting. I searched across the skies for any sign of cream coloured or sparrow-like wings, but I found almost nothing but a few magpies and nothing but clouds. When I headed back to where we were supposed to meet, I saw everyone huddled around something and rushed over. Kiku turned, noticing me approaching and everyone hovered out of the way a little so we could all land in a group together. Everyone looked terrified, but what I saw was a bit of a relief. A bit. It was indeed Alwilda, but she was as pale-faced as ever and covered in bruises and scratches. Antonio was there as well, carrying Peter, who's wing was hanging limply, probably broken.

"Wh-what the hell happened..?!" The shock finally hit me, causing me to stutter a bit, my legs feeling weak.

"Erasers happened. We should never have split up, we were just exposing ourselves!" Alwilda suddenly spat. I flinched, and I saw a few of the other flock members twitch a bit as well. When Alwilda was angry, she was very harsh, like a scolding mother. Feliciano started to cry a little, and Arthur awkwardly patted his back. "Now Peter won't be able to fly for weeks! Months, even! And we cannot stay here, they know where we are!" She exclaimed harshly at us and growled.

"So what?! We'll just have to travel again, like we always bloody do... Because we're freaks! And we just can't be bloody fucking normal!!" Arthur angrily exclaimed, tears welling in his green eyes. Alwilda turned and glared fiercely at him, and he shut up, but then her gaze softened and she sighed sadly.

"Peter cannot fly now. One of us will have to carry him while flying, or we will take turns, so that we can go to our next destination."

Peter sat up and quickly exclaimed. "I-I can fly just fine! W-watch me!" He stood, and we all looked up, and tried to flap his injured and bleeding wing, the blood clearly visible on the cream coloured feathers. He cried out in agony and fell back into the grass crying a little. Alwilda rushed to his side and held him while he cried.

"Don't be so stubborn Peter... You are only making the injury worse." She calmly whispered, and Peter sniffled and huffed in frustration. We found some sticks and used the bandages we had, ahem, picked up, earlier and made a bit of a splint for Peter's injured wing. He was very upset about not being able to fly anymore, but there was nothing we could do. Now, it was time to go beat the crap out of some Erasers.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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