Chapter 2

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When they arrived at the Visitor's Centre Harry found himself sent off to join Tim and Lex. Considering the pair were eating ice-cream, he wasn't pleased.

He had essentially been marginalised.

Leaving the siblings to their food, Harry searched the cafeteria for anything that would help him learn about the park. Like how far away the dock was.

He easily found a display of pamphlets and a visitor's map. There weren't many details and no sense of scale, but based on what Ian and Alan had said about the distance between where they had met and the Visitor's Centre, he figured the dock was about ten miles away.

On the other side of all the dinosaurs.

This place was a nightmare. He wondered if regular safari parks put the lions and dangerous animals between the living quarters and exit.

There was an airstrip to the west though. Still several miles away, but no meat eaters between them.

Harry decided it was time to confront the adults and see if there was a plane still there. Even if there wasn't, there might be power. There would certainly be several miles of land between them and the T-Rex.

He headed over to the table where Lex and Tim were eating.

"Come on, I think I've found a way out of-" Harry stopped as he noticed the siblings staring, petrified at a wall painted with dinosaurs.

And the moving shadow of one.

"Up, now." Harry whispered quietly as he manhandled Tim out of his chair. The boy never took his eyes off the creeping shadow, but he definitely started to move.

Lex was still frozen so Harry had to lift her out of the chair and practically drag her.

The dinosaur was at the exit to the cafeteria so they had to make for the kitchen. He shut the door behind them only to discover there was no manual lock.

He quickly looked around the room and picked up two large knives which he handed to Lex and Tim.

"Look, if they get close to you, stab them in the neck."

"I- I- I can't!" Lex stammered.

"Then they will eat you. And you will be alive to feel it." Harry responded calmly. "Don't lose the knives, not until we find you some better weapons."

He moved off and began opening cupboards. The whole place was made of stainless steel metal, most of the cupboards were also empty.

"Over here!" He hissed. The two came running up.

"Get in, I will lock the doors."

"Can't we run?" Tim asked nervously, but still more composed than his sister.

"We have run, Tim. And this is as far as we can go." Harry calmly answered as he gently but firmly pushed the boy into the cupboard.

Lex followed but stopped him as he tried to close the door. "What about you?"

"These things are smaller than the T-Rex, hopefully I can stop them." Lex clearly didn't believe that was possible. Harry chuckled darkly. "Lex, these are dinosaurs, not dragons. Dragons breathe fire and fly. I've faced a dragon."

He was about to close the door when Tim stopped him.


Harry was getting a little frustrated. Why couldn't they be as calm and controlled as Hermione? "What?"

"There is a dinosaur, it spits venom. The tour said it caused blindness and paralysis."

Harry rubbed the ball of his hand into his eye socket. "Bloody hell. Thanks Tim. I'll be careful."

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