So You Want to Be Free

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AN: this is for tumblr user captain-adonkovic's GTA Rascals AU where the Creatures are a heist crew. I LOVE her versions of Jordan and Aleks and their relationship. Their personalities take a complete 180. So here's a quick Kootrahd one shot!!

I got no idea if their In Character for this AU and I wanted to keep this as true to the AU as possible

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"Hey Soldier Boy, is that a gun in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

"This is a combat shotgun."

"That doesn't mean you aren't happy to see me though."

"Aleks. We're about to haggle weapons with a notoriously hot-tempered black market arms trader. This isn't the time for you to act cute. Get in the car."

By the time they peeled away from home base (everyone called it The Hub except Jordan. He thought it was a ridiculous name), Aleks was pouting in the passenger seat. It was ink-dark outside, the dim street lights barely offering any source of luminescence. Everyone was off the streets and safe locked in their homes. The only people who explored the streets at night near East Los Santos were up to mischief and chaos, this including the two men currently speeding down empty streets.

"But you actually were glad to know we were partners for this mission, right?" Aleks teased.

Jordan took a sharp right turn, gripping the steering wheel of his Bravado Gauntlet in steady hands. He wasn't surprised when Aleks slammed with a solid thunk into the side of the car door and started hissing in pain.

"You did that on purpose asshole!"

"No I di-"

A harsh blast of static erupted from their earpieces, making Aleks cringe and Jordan scrunch his face in displeasure.

"Are you two done flirting or should I just leave so you could start making out with each other." The unmistakable drone of Seamus' voice filtered through. "'Cuz it's not like you've got important shit to do."

Jordan pressed a hand against his temple, the beginnings of a headache already forming. "There was no flirting going on. Also, remind Kevin to find better earpieces next time. I'm throwing these old ones out soon as I get the chance."

"Duly noted. Now let's get to why I'm here and not tucked in bed in the first place. At 741 Iberidge Street you're gonna see a closed barber shop. Except, surprise of surprises, it's not really closed at all. Someone's gonna ask for a password, which is, and I shit you not, from a fucking Taylor Swift song. It's Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin. I repeat: Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin. You'll go in, trade the goods, and get out. I don't need to remind you to be on your best behavior. This goes especially to you, Aleks."

The Russian grinned and leaned back in a lazy manner. "Guess I'm just a nightmare dressed like a daydream."

"Congrats Marchant, you listen to T-Swift. And Jordan, after this you're gonna have to hit Mission Row to borrow a Police Cruiser..."

"Woah woah, just hold on there a second. You're telling me only two people are needed to steal a car from right under the cop's noises? I thought I said the rest of the guys were to do that."

Seamus sighed heavily, a clear sign his wits were at an end. "James' car broke down and Dan has his allergies acting up again. Spencer and the Joes are still too green to send out on field missions, so Kevin's pretty much by himself. I have no idea where Dex fucked off to, probably to that douchebag friend of his. Listen, I've got inside sources telling me security's gonna be lax tonight. The cars are always parked in front of the station anyways, but if you're too scared to take this task-"

So You Want to Be Free {Kootrahd}Where stories live. Discover now