"Anyways, go and use that thing over there." she then points to the riffle.

The prisoner didn't have any reactions and he then proceeds to grab the riffle.

"So how do I use this thing?" the prisoner asked politely curious as to what he just grabbed.

"Ahh a cooperative one eh? Ok. Well, you do it like this." Merkel responds as she then begins instructing the subject on how to shoot a rifle properly with the right position and holding.

"Now shoot that vase over there." Merkel said as she points at the vase standing in front of them.

Merkel then leaves far away from the prisoner so that she doesn't get hit with a potential explosion.

"Don't even think of doing something funny like escaping and killing us alright?"

The prisoners nods as he begins to shoot the vase with the gun he was holding.

He pulls the trigger and the gun launched a metal projectile very fast towards the vase, breaking it with him almost falling and letting go of the rifle due to the recoil. Everyone inside were very impressed and were celebrating, especially Merkel.

*phew* "That went well than last time." Merkel said.

"Finally, some good progress." 

"... What kind of weapon even is this?" the test subject asked very impressed with what he just did.

"That my friend, is a weapon of the future. A weapon that will quickly replace swords and magic very soon!" she declared enthusiastically.

The test subject looks at Merkel with a weird and confused look in his face.

"Oh and I know what your thinking, and no. No I am not planning on replacing the Knights and Mages of this Kingdom with this weapon."

"Oh... Would've been better if you did though."

This caught Merkel off guard.

"Wait what? Did I just heard you right?"

"Well if you couldn't tell, I actually oppose those 2 factions. And because of that, I would really love it if they get replaced with something else. Especially since they all deserve it. My reasons for this is non of your business." the prisoner said in a somewhat passionate tone.

"... Wow. Didn't thought that I'd meet people like you personally besides the internet."

"Internet?" the test subject got even more confused.

"That's a story for another day. Hey guys, bring this fellow back to his cell." Merkel said as 2 people then accompanies the man back to his cell along with the others.

"What an interesting weapon." the prisoner thought.

"Hmmm, so the riffle is now ready for use. Now all I need to do is find a way to mass produce this along with it's bullets. But I would need a factory for that." Merkel thought.

Suddenly, a new idea struck Merkel's head.

"... The Sanctuary." she thought as she then confronts the worker who brought her in the house.

"Ok Abe, we'll be going now. And don't forget to inform me with your latest progress ok?"

"Yes miss Merkel." the man who brought her in the house named Abe replied.

"Ok now Halibal, let's go to Roswaal. I have some new important business with him."

"Ok." Halibal replied in a cheerful tone.

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