S1 E1 "Adventures in Supersitting"

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They all watched as the screen booted up and started it.

[Shows the Thunderman kitchen as Phoebe brings over a covered platter to the table]

PhoebeI hope you're all hungry! 

[Everybody agrees]

Hank: Absolutely!

Billy: Yeah, let's eat!

[Phoebe sets the platter down, as Barb sits in her seat]

BarbIt is so nice to sit down to dinner like a normal family.

Oyster looked confused. "What do you mean like a normal family? You are one." Max shook his head in the negative then turned back towards the screen.

[Phoebe grabs the platter and picks it up, showing an uncooked turkey]

Phoebe: Yeah. Hit it sis!

[Nora uses her heat vision to cook the food]

The whole room (minus those with powers) go completely quiet. You could hear a pin drop. Allison looked over at Max with an unreadable expression. "You have superpowers?" asked Allison slowly. The Thunderman family nodded. Then she hopped up. "That is weirdly cool. Wait. Max that means you have powers, right?" Max nods. Then, completely out of character, she squeals. "My boyfriend has superpowers! That is so cool..."

Phoebe: I'll get forks.

[Phoebe activates her telekinesis to get the forks]

Billy: I'll get the lemonade.

[Billy stands up then super speeds to the fridge where he digs things out, throwing them behind him]

[Hank is shown flinching at the sound of things breaking]

[Billy finds the lemonade then zooms back]

Max: And I'll eat dessert.

[Max activates his telekinesis to lift the cake, then bring it over to him]]

Phoebe: Max, that's for later.

[Phoebe stands up as she uses her own telekinesis to try and pull the cake from Max]

[Max stands up and pulls his way, both of the Thundertwins trying to pull the cake to them]

Max: Says who?

Phoebe: Me. Now let it go!

Max: Suit yourself.

[Max lets go and Phoebe ducks to avoid getting covered in cake]

[After the cake splatters into the wall, Max laughs]

The less serious people in the room laugh. Gary chuckles a little while everyone in Max's band full on laughs. Mostly everyone laughs, okay? Max had a smile on his face at making Gary chuckle. He was terrified of the guy, alright?

Billy: Wall cake!

[Billy attempts to use his superspeed to zoom over to the wall, but is stopped by Hank standing up and lifting him up by his shirt, one handed]

The Thundermans React!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz