Dhritrashtra : Putra Yudhishthir, this situation involve you too speak if you have any problem with what ever Duryodhana has said.

Yudhishthir : No, tatshree I don't have any problem. I had wished that we both set of brothers could live peacefully under roof of Hastinapur but what Duryodhana has said is correct as much I want to deny it.

Dhritrashtra : So everyone agrees with this.

Bheeshma heavy heartedly nid his head because he know it was imperent and necessaty for Kuruvansh. Others thoughts so too but there was one who wasn't going to give up.

Shakuni : I oppose this injustice Maharaj.

Duryodhana : Mamashree please, i chose this let it be.

Shakuni was getting frustrated because his own nephew is contradicting him.

Dhritrashtra : Shakuni, let it be. So now I  Maharaj of Hastinapur declare that first Anga is the independent kingdom hence forth and Duryodhana would be given land of khandavprast and with that he would be given ten lakh coins from treasury along with one lakh soldiers, ten thousand elephants, one lakh cow, and whatever neccecary for establishment of his kingdom.

Karna : Maharaj Dhritarashtra, I am sorry to interfere here but I wish to say something.

Dhritrashtra : What would that be Angraj.

Karna : Maharaj, I think you should also allow Mitra Duryodhana to have flag of independence for his kingdom.

Dhritrashtra : But why?

Karna : Maharaj, my Mitra want a kingdom for his family especially his mother and father. If he didn't have independent kingdom then you or maharani Ghandhari wouldn't be kingfather or queenmother of his kingdom as you are son and daughter in law of Hastinapur. Him having independent kingdoms wouldn't wouldn't cause such problems. You would be then son and daughter in law of Kuruvansh along with kingfather and queenmother of his kingdom.

Dhritrashtra : But Angraj. If I give him independent kingdom then he wouldn't have have commodities required to build a kingdom as it's not allowed to give support to independent kingdom and alliance could be formed only after kingdom is built. What if any kingdom decided to attack his kingdom.

Karna : Maharaj, you don't have to worry about that. Khandavprast shares borders with Anga, panchal and Hastinapur. Any kingdom want to attack it has to go though it. As for commodities, Anga would provide them as offering of alliance. I assure you Mitra doesn't need to worry for even grain of rice.

Pandavas were surprised by this bold declaration they felt that it was hollow. They thought this arrogant Sutputra I'd taking opportunity to boast once again.

Bheem : Big words, Angraj. Can you really fulfill them. Anga was itself a poverty ridden country two years ago so how could you provide anything to Duryodhana.

Before anyone could speak, Duryodhana laughed hard very hard.

Duryodhana : Bheem, it seems that you all were truly in forest in last two years because if not you would have heard the prosperity of Anga.

This shocked everyone except Ashwatthama and Vidhur.

Bheem : Duryodhana.....

Bheeshma : Calm down Bheem, what are you saying Duryodhana. I know Anga is in better condition but how better could it be.

Vidhur : Tatshree, what Duryodhana is saying is truth. Anga has economy rivalling Dwarka itself. One third of our treasury in last two years came because of offering of Anga. It's prosperity is equal to Dwarka not only that is f not for  sovereignty of Hastinapur Anga itself would have been super power in Aaryavrat atleast a year ago and now that it's independent with no doubt it is a giant in politics of Aaryavrat as more than 80% of goods be it finished or raw material, imported in rest of Aaryavrat is exported from Anga. Not only that milatary prowess and number of soldiers in Anga couldn't be underestimated even by Hastinapur. L
Parshuram shisya Angraj himself is deterent for kingdom to attach Anga as in Kaling he alone defeated almost all the mighty kings there which includes Immortal jarasandh among them. So none of words of Angraj is empty or boast.

Duryodhana : Just palace of my Mitra is twice valuable than palace of most kingdom of Aaryavrat as it completely build with most expensive marble in existence and not just palace but entire Anga is built with such marble so you can roughly guess the prosperity of his kingdom. Hmph and some people thought I made mistake of giving him kingdom.

This shocked the court of Hastinapur, they couldn't believe that this Sutputra was that much of good ruler. Everyone looked at Karna who had expression like weather report was presented just now in Sabha. Vidhur has payed close attention to Karna since their talk, he himself was shocked listening to report from Anga. Dhritrashtra, Bheeshma, kripacharya, Dronacharya, sakhuni himself were unaware of prosperity of Anga. Duryodhana had proud face as his kingdom was praised in Sabha.  Pandavas were gob smacked by everything told to them by Vidhur and Duryodhana, once again has to swallow their inflated ego.

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