~Seven: A Ray of Hope~

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Welcome back Peeps!

I was on a Hiatus as my exams were round the corner, and for me, studies are my first priority. Writing a chapter takes a lot of hard work, and being the amateur writer I am, I take an eternity to think of something to write, then proofreading, grammar, references, everything takes time.

And as my age is finally revealed, I actually feel like a 12-year-old. There was an image created as a 20-year-old me here so I felt comfortable to write a bit mature. But, now things are different and it does make me feel obnoxious but I'm relieved that such a huge burden is lifted off me.

Apart from all this, I'm in a condition which I can't explain to anyone. So it's me alone (as usual), bracing myself up to face challenges. That isn't new to me, but I have butterflies whenever I think about it.

Also, I am not getting any brilliant ideas to pen down. So I'm unsure whether this update would make it up to all of you. So, this is a useless update from my side, it is for sure as I know I can do much better. So bear with this.

And, you all want both along with the author's Point of View, and again I'm not getting what to write, so here is Arjun's POV. I hope you all like this one.

This one is very short and contains only Arjun's Point of View :)

Don't curse me for this, also refrain from bashing any character. 

And, I'm aware the title of this chapter is lame.

And, of course no proofreading is done.

Happy reading <3



Quote for Today~

"Be The Change you Want to see in this World"

~Mahatma Gandhi



The feeling of being blessed washed through me, and I closed my eyes feeling content.

He Had left, but I now know that he is always beside me, his soul his. Always.


Arjun's POV~

I was with her for the whole week. I have a habit of staying away from her, but It was for the first time that I had her all by myself. I am getting addicted to her presence, her absence literally has created a void.

When we were on the chariot together, I used to look beside me, she was there, fidgeting with her fingers or just simply looking around.

I have fallen for her, and really hard, and I don't have the courage to rise. Not for now, but I crave more for rising in her love rather than falling. When it comes to her, my desires are endless. I think it was me who Termed that Love can happen many times in life, but true love only happens once. Well, I am proven wrong. I can never figure out things when it comes to her. If you ever love a person truly, your love would never die for them. Even after years of separation, betrayals, secrets threatening to rip you apart, you never lose what you feel for them.

You actually love every person in a different way. Someone as a son, someone as a father, someone as a brother, someone as a friend and someone as a lover.

You can't love someone as you love your soulmate. For whom your heart beats every second, someone who is more essential than air. Someone you love more than life.

Loving a lover is like living life. Your love is young, strong, raw and passionate, which can't be caged even when you love each other behind closed doors of your souls.

I love her passionately, like my life depends on it. It is now an absolute necessity for living. My love is meant to be showered upon her. It is created for her and she is the one who truly deserves it. I can't love anyone else Like I love her, and no one can love the way she loves me.

Even the Sun feels that no one loves him, but The Moon falls for it every day. And after The Sun is tired, he goes back to sleep and the Moon rises for it, selflessly.

Our love is the Sun. It is shadowed by the eclipse of Betrayal, anger and a strong shield of unsure emotions. But just like the eclipse doesn't last long, that anger also won't.

I'm desperately waiting for that day. But now after spending this week with her, I am not able to hold that urge anymore. I honestly don't feel like taking it slowly and swiftly, I want to just push up things.

I can do it, but again I don't want to force her or disrespect her. A part of me wished that she shouldn't be confused regarding her feelings about me. She knows that she still has feelings for me, but she is still hesitating to accept it as she thinks I may dominate over her, or take advantage of her honest confession.

But, I won't. I would be happier if she - without any hesitation - claims that she loves me. She still has feelings for me, I still have a corner in her heart, I still haven't been termed as a 'betrayer' in her eyes, She still trusts me in, and She accepts me the way I am, with all my flaws - I want her to confess this, openly with her eyes brimming with pure emotions. I know this won't work the way I want, but I will have to make this work.

Should I be the one to confess this first?

I - without a doubt - should be the first one to make the 'Confession Of Love' to her. But how?

The answer is Miles away from here, right now in Indraprastha - probably expressing his love for nature in the Royal Gardens.


OK, This was my lame attempt to get back to writing. Get all your weapons to beat me up! Because I know you all feel like.

Who is that 'Answer?'

Okay fine, you probably would have guessed that this was coming.

#ParAv coming soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!

(The 'o's in soon refers how long will it take, hehe)

So, just let me know what you think of this chapter. And Today I'm not taking any suggestions for the next chapter because I already have started writing it and now I've tons of ideas budding up. So #ParAv fans, next chapter is probably going to be your most favorite chapter of this book up till now.

And, it would be the longest chapter too :)

(And, it will take time!)

Banner Credits~ @Arafisabu 

Word count~ 1083 

ILYSM all <3

Love and Peace :)

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