I know this wasn't taken at a match, as you can see in the background. But imagine it is.

"Hi cutie. What's your name?" She asked. "Mazikeen. And this is my Momma Y/n." She introduced. "I love you shirt. And it's very nice to meet you both." She said and then looked at me.

We locked eyes and I gave her a smile. "Good luck. You have your two biggest fans right here cheering you on." I told her. "Now I know." She winked and walked off.

"Momma?" Mazikeen looked at me as my eyes were still locked on Rhea. "Yes, Darling?" I looked at her. "This is the best birthday ever. Thank you." She wrapped her small arms around my neck giving me a hug. "Awe. You're very welcome. I love you, Mazi." I kissed the side of her head before getting her attention back onto the ring as the match was gonna start soon.

In case you haven't seen this match. I'm not gonna write it out this time.

"RIPTIDE!" We yelled as Rhea slammed Zelina down onto the mat then immediately covered her. Everyone went wild. That was a very strong Riptide. The entire ring moved and the covers below flew open. "They get to go to Wrestle Mania now!" Mazi cheered.

Rhea and Liv went around the ring hanging on the ropes together facing our way. And Rhea looked straight at me and we locked eyes. I just smiled and mouthed a "great job" to her. "Thank you, Babygirl." She mouthed and I immediately blushed.

The rest of the night was amazing. The whole night was. As we're walking out of the arena I'm holding Mazikeen because she's now passed out on my shoulder since she's been out late.


"Are you ready?" I asked Mazikeen and she nodded after putting on her shoes. She reached up to grab my hand and we headed out on our walk.

There's a park not too far away from our apartment so every now and then me and Mazi go on a walk and then she'll play on the playground.

Once we got to the playground she let go of my hand and ran to the slides. Making sure I could still see her I sat down on a swing and pulled out my phone. After a little bit of sitting there I got a call.

Immediately declining the call I continued looking through Instagram

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Immediately declining the call I continued looking through Instagram. It was only until he called me three times when I answered. So I walked away a bit just incase Mazikeen couldn't hear me.

"What do you want?" I asked sternly. "Let me see my kid. Please Y/n." He begged. "We've been over this. Deven you are never going to be in her life. She's only here because you decided you couldn't wait for me to be ready. You are self-centered asshole who cares about one thing. Call me again and I'll call the cops. So drop it Deven. It's been four years. Live with the fact you won't be in either of our lives again." I told him before hanging up the phone.

Putting my face in my hands I tried to take a deep breath. But I could just feel the anxiety attack coming on. "MOMMA!" I heard Mazikeen yell. Quickly I looked around not seeing her anywhere. "MAZIKEEN!" I yelled for her.

"MOMMA!" She yelled again. I started to run where I heard her voice. I saw her looking up at someone. Focusing souly on Mazikeen I ran over and picked her up.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked and held her head with my hand. "Look who it is!" She pointed and got real excited. I looked over and Rhea was standing there holding onto a leash with Barry on it. "Hi." She gave me a small wave.

I let out a sigh of relief and set Mazikeen back on her feet. "Don't scare like that again." I told her and stood up straight taking a few deep breaths. "Let's go sit down. You look flushed." Rhea walked over to me a dn I slightly looked at her and nodded. "Come on Barry." Rhea lightly tugged on the leash and he followed us and stopped smelling the flowers.

Once we sat down Mazikeen hopped up on my lap. "Are you okay?" Rhea asked. "Yeah. I just need a minute." I nodded once again. "Sorry for scaring you Momma." Mazikeen apologized and rested her head on my shoulder. "It's okay love. I know you were excited." I kissed the side of her head and we both looked at Rhea and she gave a slight smile.

"It's nice to see you two again. Mazikeen and Y/n, correct?" She stretched out my name. "Yes. Surprised you remembered." I chuckled. "Well you did say you two were my biggest fans." "We weren't kidding." Mazikeen answered and Rhea chuckled.

Mazikeen slid off my lap and sat down in front of Barry. "Hi, Doggo." She waved. Barry walked over and licked her face and Mazikeen just giggled as the dog loved on her. "He really likes her." Rhea smiled down at the two.

"Are you okay?" Rhea turned to me. "Hey, Mazi?" She looked up at me. "Why don't you go play some more before we head home." She nodded and ran off to the playground. Barry looked a little sad but laid down at Rhea's feet.

"Before she yelled for me I was talking with my ex. Her father. Still over four years he's still trying to get in her life. So that gave me anxiety thinking he'll come after her one day. Then her yelling for me added more on top of that. Just on the brink of a anxiety attack." I told her taking a deep breath.

"Well I love kids. So I promise she was safe with me." She put her hand on my shoulder and I nodded at her words. "I know. It's just that I couldn't see her and when you're at a park when you think no one else is there, and you hear your kid scream for you like that. Mother instincts take over and you have no control." I told her.

Me and Rhea just kept talking and talking. And she walked us back to our apartment.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked Rhea. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease." Mazikeen put her hands together and looked at Rhea. "I probably shouldn't. I need to get Mister here back home for his dinner. But how about this. I give my number to your Momma and we can talk about another night I'll come and have dinner with you guys?" She squatted down in front of Mazi.

"Okay. Promise me." She held out her tiny pinky finger. Rhea brought out hers and they locked them together. "I promise I will come back and have dinner with you guys." Rhea said let go of her finger.

Mazikeen walked forward and gave Rhea a hug. Rhea wrapped one arm around her small frame returning the hug. After Mazikeen let go Rhea stood up to face me. Well, look down to face me.

She handed me her phone and I put my number in. "It was really nice to talk and meet you Rhea." I smiled at her. "I had a good time too. But please call me Demi. I prefer it when I talk to people." She walked forward to give me a hug too.

Wrapping my arms around her neck, her free arm went around my waist. "I'd also like to text you about other things. And you can call me Mommy. That can be used just between us though." She whispered in my ear.

Goosebumps ran all over my body. I've given up on men the moment I was raped. And it would be a full hearted lie if I said I wasn't attracted to this woman. So why not have a little harmless flirting.

"Yes, Mommy." I whispered back and I could feel her smirking against the skin of my neck. Once she pulled away she waved bye to us before walking down the hall with Barry.

Once me and Mazikeen got inside, Mazikeen started skipping around. "Why are you so happy?" I asked her. "We talked with Demi. And 'Momma's got a new girlfriend'!" She sung and skipped to her room. I wish. And hope.

Part Two? I have an idea of what I want to do but would you guys want that.

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