The Ticket Booth (chapter 1)

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You know what's up
You know it's us, yeah ☆

Today's the day.
You grip the concert flyer close to your chest as you look up at the skydome, lighting up the afternoon sky. Your name is (Y/N), you're at least 18 years old, and today you're going to see your favorite band: 4☆TOWN.

You've been a fan longer than you can remember, maybe even their BIGGEST fan, but you wouldn't want to gatekeep from the newer fans. You aren't like that. (AN: dont gatekeep!!!!! its not nice)

No, you're not here to bash anyone else- you're here to have FUN and ROCK OUT to some real music! You even got here EXTRA early!!!!

Stepping up to the ticket booth, you smile at the man behind the glass. He seems to roll his eyes. (AN: ugh ruuude😒)

"One ticket for-"
"Let me guess, 4☆TOWN?"
You blink, then nod. "Yeah!!!" The ticket man scoffed again before starting to get you're ticket.
"I've seen a dozen tween girls coming in here getting tickets for this dumb band- I don't get it. Their music isn't even that good."

(IF NOT GIRL:) What?? You're not even a tween girl.. Even if you were, how would that have anything to do with the band you like?
(IF GIRL:) Huh?? How does being a girl affect the band you like? Even if you weren't, you'd still love 4☆Town!

You furrow your eyebrows at the ticket guy, looking between his face and the nametag on his shit.
"Now you listen here, J- Jerry! 4☆Town's music is perfectly fine! I like it and that's all that matters!!"
He snickers in response.

"Oh yeah? Your pop boyfriends not even knowing you exist don't matter?" (💔)

You feel your heart drop a bit. Well... You KNEW the 4☆Town boys would probably never know you, you were way too normal, but... He didn't need to say that.
You felt your lip quiver as you looked down, just waiting for the ticket guy to print yours out.

But, as you moped, you felt two hands place themselves on your shoulders. Maybe someone wanted you to move aside so they could get through...?

But when you looked up, you saw...

"Hey, that's no way to talk to a 4☆Townie," said Aaron T. with an angelic tone. You felt your heart sing.
"Yeah." Said Aaron Z., cool as ever.

You felt tears well in your eyes, but for a different reason this time. Joy.. It's THE AARONS!

Though you loved all of the 4☆Town boys, you always had a soft spot for the Aarons. They were always so overlooked and underrated... Kinda like you.

"Aar- Aa-!!!" You were too excited to speak.
"AARONS!" Ticket Jerry finished for you. Seems he's just as shocked as you! "UH UH, SO SORRY SIRS!!"

"Yeah... You should be." You looked to Aaron Z. He had a stern face on, not quite mad but serious. You liked that about him, how he could be serious when he needed to.
"You shouldn't talk to anyone like that! Who do you think you are??" Aaron T. followed.
"Pshh. You know what?" Aaron T. looked to you and reached up to ruffle your hair. Your heart swoons immediately. "This show's on us, you don't have to keep talking to this...." He narrowed his eyes at the ticket guy. "Ticket 'Jerry'."

You covered your mouth and let out a little giggle, watching as the ticket guy's cheeks flushed with embarrassement.

"What's your name?" Aaron Z. tilted his head at you.
"U-uhm, Y/N!"
"Well then, Y/N, let's get going, shall we? You can hang with us for a bit." Aaron T. smiled sweetly at you.

Well... who were you to say no! You nodded eagerly, walking with the two boys over to the others.

"Hey guys!" Aaron T. called out to them. "This is our new friend, Y/N!! (She/he/they) are going to hang out with us before the show!"
"Oh, nice to meet you!" Said Tae Young, waving at you with a smile.
"Yeah, nice to meet you, Y/N." Said Jesse.
"Bonjour," Robaire hummed. "Je m'appelle Robaire~."

You chuckled at the french-flavored man and rolled your eyes playfully.
"Haha, I know who you guys are! It's amazing to meet you..."

The 4☆Town boys laughed and chuckled with eachother, and you as well, as you all walked up into the Skydome.
But not before you sent a glance back to the Ticket man and stuck your tongue out!

Oh man... This was gonna be the BEST! CONCERT! EVER!!!!

(AN: hello fellow 4☆Townies!! Hope you enjoyed my story so far! More chapters coming, please comment and like >w<)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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