Prologue Part 2

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The day you received your vision was the day life became an even worse hell for you. That was the day that not only your parents recognized your potential, but the gods too. Tutoring and training to become the "star" your parents envisioned went into overdrive.

Age 10:

You huffed as the sound of your pencil hitting your paper echoed throughout the small room that contained only you, your tutor, and a stack of books. She took a glance at you, "Done already?"

"This stuff is boring. If Mommy and Daddy really want me to continue their legacy, wouldn't I be practicing what they do? You know, like building and drawing and maybe even talking with other human beings?!" You crossed your arms and slid further into your seat. You were already used to this routine, but you especially hated learning history so you threw another fit.

"Even your mother and father had to start with the basics," she said. You rolled your eyes. 

"I think we're done here," you said, as you ran your usual route out the window before she could react. You took a deep breath in as the fresh cold air bit at your lungs. You heard faint yelling from the window, but that didn't stop you from running to your secret haven, a cave hidden by the many trees surrounding your home. You ducked down into the tiny opening of the cave to be greeted by a warm, familiar sight.

There sat the room of your dreams, a room filled to the brim with different objects that you either wanted to study or had built yourself. Some of these objects included a tacky piano you had built yourself, a dirty set of beakers, an easel, a shelf full of Scheznayan herbs and flowers, and your most priced possession, a shelf of everything you've collected from the countries you've visited. A piece of amber from Liyue, a dead Onikabuto from Inazuma, a Cecilia flower preserved in wax, etc. How you've dreamed of the day you got that amber and met the god you now know as Morax.

Ever since that day, you've been absolutely determined to study not only everything you can about this world and what's in it, but also any and everything about the gods. The divine sounded so, just so divine, to you, their elegance and power were awe inspiring. This led you to glance to the other side of the cave, littered with shelves of books about the archons, and your invention table. There hasn't been much progress there though, only one thing has been produced this year: a fake vision detector, patent pending. If you incorporated some of your well-controlled electro abilities within it, it would do a scan of an object of choice for elemental energy. Your hypothesis was that, since you met an archon who appeared to be able to blend in amongst humans, there must be the others walking among the people. This mainly set your eyes on Mondstadt, since you knew Morax, and both the Tsaritsa and the Raiden Shogun being very open to the public eye. Not many had seen much of the Anemo archon yet. It would be your chance to prove yourself, the next time you visited Mondstadt.

Your thoughts of the future turned cold as your heard your mother's shrill voice call out your name. You rushed out of the cave to the voice, terrified of what was to come if you were not quick enough to her. There stood your mother, tall and proud, looking disappointed as usual.

"My darling girl," she began, stroking the top of your head like a pet, "We mustn't escape our studies, Y/n. Your poor tutor is getting worried sick. You must continue studying for us, I only want what's best for you, sweetheart." Her eyes hardened slightly, "You must not embarrass the family name, because as of now, your father and I's colleagues are saying you make them sick. All of this potential, wasted on my little girl who only wants to hide, play, and sing. I expect drastic improvement soon, Y/n. You want to be a good girl for me, right?" She turned on her heel, stalking away back in the direction of her office.

You hated these talks with your parents. Daddy may have slapped you more, but Mommy always made you confused. You want to be a good girl right? You do, but you can't be contained into the study room all day! If you were going to be reading books and writing all the time, you wanted to read and write about the divine principles. It was hard enough getting your own books, archon related topics were banned in Scheznaya, you were just lucky you knew a guy in city center who sold these sorts of things.

The gruff voice of your father brought you back to reality. "Y/n. Why must I keep repeating myself? These silly shenanigans of yours are of no worth to the family. You are to always be with Ana. You can study on your own once we've determined we can trust you. But with you, I doubt that'll be soon. What happened to the good girl you once were?" Your eyes snapped to him in shock.

"But Father please, I am a good girl! I promise. I'm a good girl, just for you, I'll be good for the family. I want to be a good girl! Please don't punish me again, Daddy. Please don't tell Mummy!" You pleaded. He rested his gaze on you, with a glint in his eyes you knew and hated all too well. Just as he was about to walk away, he raised his arm.


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