“What was he shit talking about?” 

“Don’t tell anyone?” I nod. “he was making fun of Alvin.” my eyebrows lift up. 

Alvin was the team’s best quarterback last year but he got in an accident that left him paralyzed and damaged his brain. He still goes to the football games to cheer on his team. Alvin is the most sweetest kid you could ever meet but after the accident he became a little…mental. Obviously the kid was making fun of Alvin by the way he talked. Alvin talked slow and what people would call ‘retarded’. That kid on the other team had no right to talk shit about Alvin. 

“You didn’t tell coach it was about Alvin, did you?” 

Noah shakes his head. “I didn’t have the heart to tell. Fuck, BU isn’t going to take me anymore are they?” Noah hisses as he throws his head back. He wanted to cry and I knew it. 

“Noah, yes they will.” 

He shakes his head. “I got kicked off the team, Cedes. BU don’t want kids like that,” he whispers. I groan and pick myself off his bed and walk out of his room and down to the kitchen. I grab his acceptance letter off the fridge and walk back into his room. 

“Noah what is this?” I question. Noah looks over at me. 

“My acceptance letter.” 

I lift my eyebrows. “Exactly, they want you Noah. And you defended your teammate, Noah. So stop, okay? BU would be lucky to have you.” I sit at the end of his bed and wait for his answer. I squeal when Noah attacks me onto his bed. 

He gives me a smile, a Noah Smile. “I love you,” he mumbles. 

I smile. “Good, because I love you too.” 

I like to think of it as a blessing that I can do what I can with Noah…. 


“Cedes you got a text message,” Noah tells me. 

I look up at him. “Hand me my phone.” Noah nods then hands it to me. I open the text message from Emery and open the attachment. 

My mouth drops when I take a look at Cara. She was gorgeous. Like drop dead I wish I was her gorgeous. Her hair was a jet black and it came just below her shoulders, she had chocolate eyes, she was petite, and was just hot. (I picture Cara as Mila Kunis, I suck at descriptions so yeah) Emery had his arm wrapped her waist and she had a wide smile on her face, Emery had a sly smirk on his face. They looked perfect together. Cara was wearing a red and black dress that flowed after it came to her waist, her dress was amazing. 

I had never been more jealous of a girl before. 

“Whose that?” Noah asks as he looks at my phone. 

I look at him and hand him over my phone. “Emery’s girlfriend, Cara.” Noah’s eyebrows lift up while he takes a look. 

“Jesus Emery, how did you get a thing like that?” Noah mumbles to himself. I bite my bottom lip. 

 Ha, there goes my self esteem. 

“She’s defiantly a match for Emery,” Noah says as he hands me my phone back. “but I got someone hotter,” Noah says. I roll my eyes at him. “what? It’s the truth!” 

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