Crossed Paths

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"Alright guys! I want everyone suited up! We get this son of a bitch and we all go home safely tonight!" I say to my team.

Currently my team and I are at an old warehouse where a mass murderer has been in hiding for the past few days. He's murdered over 20 innocent teenagers and has kidnapped a bunch more which we need to find right now.

"Diaz, Roman, Stubbe, you guys stay outside, be on high alert incase he runs." I say. They all nod while going to positioned spots.

"Meyers your with me inside." I inform him. He nods and starts following me.

We make our way inside the warehouse. Meyers points upstairs and I motion for him to go, I'll stay down here. I look through rooms not finding anything. I get to the end of a hallway and am about to open the door when a searing pain shoots through my arm after I hear a gunshot. I shove my body up against a wall to avoid the next shot. I hear glass break and push my way into the room. I see the window broken and our suspect running away one foot.

I take one second before making a stupid decision. I jumped out of the window after him. I start chasing him through the streets. He's weaving in and out of cars while shooting back at me.

He runs up to a vehicle and pulls a lady out while wrapping his arms around her neck, putting his gun you to her head.

"Don't come any closer or she dies!" He yells at me. "Put your gun down." He yells louder after I take a step forward.

"Marcus you know I can't do that. Let the woman go and you and I can talk this out alright?" I try and negotiate with him.

"No! As soon as I let her go your going to arrest me. I can't go back to prison man, I just can't!" He says with years forming in his eyes.

"Marcus I'm not going to lie, you'll go to prison but if you let her go right now and we talk this out, it might not be as long. Just let her go okay?" I say to him.

He contemplates it for a bit before letting the lady go. She goes running over to the side and he puts his gun down.

I put my gun away and go over to him. I gently take the gun out of his hands before throwing it over to the side. I turn him around and handcuff him before handing him over to an officer.

Only now do I realize how many other cops showed up. I see my team, HPD, FBI, and the well known task force, five-0.

This was also when I realized how much pain my arm was in. I look down and see my normal white shirt was stained a dark red around my shoulder.  I grit my teeth in pain and make my way over to my team.

"You get all the kids out?" I ask them.

"Yeah we did. I found them all upstairs." Meyers says.

"Good job guys! Go home." I tell them

"Boss if you think for one second that were leaving you and not taking you to the hospital your dead wrong." Diaz says.

"Guys I'm fine just go home, we had a long day." I try to tell them.

"Yeah nope! Not happening." Roman days before calling over a paramedic.

I groan while they all chuckle.

After getting checked out and getting my arm wrapped, I head back in the warehouse.

"Hey! Amelia Davis right? You were the leiutenant who got this guy right?" Someone asks.

I turn around. "Yeah that was me." I say.

"I'm commander Steve Mcgarrett of five-0 and just wanted to tell you that was one hell of a job you did there." He says with a cute smile on his face.

"Well thank you commander." I say before turning to walk away.

"Wait!" He says.

I turn back around to face him. "Yeah?" I ask him.

"Wanna get a drink sometime? My treat." He says with a smirk.

"Sure." I say with a chuckle. "Here's my number." I say while putting my number into his phone. "Call me." I say while winking at him before walking away.

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