Yunji : Ya, don't try to fool me. Do you think I don't know that you were blushing right now.

Lynn : No. I didn't. ( I lied )

Yunji : Okay, it seems like you don't like that job..( I cut her line )

Lynn : But wait-wait, who's the celebrities?

Yunji : You wanna know? ( She smirk )

Lynn : Yeah, of course I wanna know.

Yunji : Well, the celebrities was... guest who? ( She look at me and crossed her arm )

Lynn : Please Yun, I don't have time to guess who is was it?

Yunji : He was... ( Her conversation stop when her phone rings )

She look at the caller ID and then she just ignore it.

Lynn : Who was it? ( I asked her confused )

Yunji : one.

Lynn : Really?

Yunji : Yeah...( She got interrupt again )

Me and Yunji was so deep in our conversation till us doesn't realize that someone was eavesdropping our conversation. It's was no one else than Jisang, my older brother. A K.A he's not that older than Lynn, he's age are 19 and Lynn age was 17 but want to reach 18 on August 17th.

Jisang : So deep in your conversation till doesn't realize I was here?

Me and Yunji turn to face Jisang that standing there.

Yunji : Oh hey, Jisang! ( She greet him ).

Jisang : Umm...hi too. Btw, what are you guys discussing about? From what I know....I heard you saying about jobs, right?

Yunji : Yeah, we are. I'm going to find a jobs for Lynn. ( She folded her arm )

Jisang : Ah...( He nod his head ). So Lynn, what do you say?

Lynn : I'm not so sure about it...and what if he reject me straight away-- ( Yunji cut my line )

Yunji : No Lynn, never! He will never reject you!  ( She protest my argument ).

Lynn : Don't need to be mad-- ( again she cut my line )

Yunji : Of course I am. And I believe that he'll accept you to be his secretary, I mean you'll be leaving with him. ( She rolled her eyes )

Lynn : can you be that sure? ( I asked her confused )

Yunji : Of course, I am. I'm 100% confident because I am almost kinda secretary to him at the work place, I mean at the entertainment, I mean no, I am his manager and you are his secretary.

Lynn : Oh, no wonder why you know about him looking for secretary.

Yunji : Well, he was the one asked me about that. So I just tell you anyways maybe you interested in that kind of jobs.

Lynn : Well, we'll see. ( I said with a confident )

Yunji : the way, are you accepting it or not?

Lynn : Umm...maybe I should give it try. Since it's my first time at this kind of jobs.

Well, it's true tho cuz I've never been work cuz of this suffering that make me regret for being still alive.

Yunji : Well, if like that then... let's go get you some clothes. ( She cling her hand on me but I stopped her from dragging me to the door ).

Lynn : What do you mean? I doesn't need to buy new clothes. All my clothes are just fine.

Yunji : Yeah, yeah I know but at least you need to buy some of the dress in case you have an event or anything else. ( She furrowed her eyebrows )

At first I don't want but since she was my friends, I gotta admit it too. Maybe she was right, what if there was an event and I don't have any pairs of events clothes? It would disappointed him, right?

Lynn : Fine then.

Yunji : Yay! ( She jumped in excitement ). Hey, Jisang may I borrow your precious sister for a while?

Jisang : Where are you bringing her?

Yunji : Bring her shopping since she's gonna go to work.

Jisang : Fine then but not too long.

He sat down on the couch of our living room and take the remote control to turned on the tv.

Meanwhile, me and Yunji..

Lynn : But Yun, what if he reject me? And it'll waste your money for buying clothes for me that I don't wear a month or a year maybe. ( I shrugged my shoulder )

Yunji : Lynn, listen to me, if I said it's fine, he'll take you.

Lynn : ...

Before I and Yunji hoped in to my brother car, Jisang went out the house running towards us.

Jisang : Wait ( He gasphing )

Hi it's me, Lenny! This is my second story that I published because I did published the first story, "My Friends Was Mafia" but it just that I unpublished it because I thought it's story not that beautiful or maybe some english error. This story chapter I've just finished it today 15 March 2022. What I just want from you all was support for me, vote, like and follow me! And if there any English mistake pls forgive me cuz English is not my first language! Bye hope you enjoy reading it!

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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