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Why? Why me? Why now? These were the only thoughts rolling through Ranboo's head as he searched desperately through the seemingly endless rooms. The unbelievably ugly yellow wallpaper was driving him insane, and the constant humming of the fluorescent lights above his head were giving him a headache.

You're probably wondering what the hell is happening, and you're not alone. Ranboo has no fucking clue either. In fact, he's scared shitless right now. He just wants out of here.

Let's go back a few hours. Ranboo was taking his normal route back home. He had a day filled with essays, homework, and the annoying popular girls that he just could not STAND.


Moving on

Ranboo decided to stray off his normal path today. He liked exploring his city, as it seemed there was always a new area to discover. He put in his headphones, and the sweet voice of none other than Neil Cicierega filled his ears.

He decided to turn right on a seemingly empty gravel road, which he knew went in the direction of the shore. Ranboo loved being on the shore. The pleasant smell of sea salt and the soft sound of the waves hitting the rocks comforted him to no end. He preferred sitting and watching over actually swimming in the water, as it was normally freezing and most coasts were rugged and high up.

He walked further, and eventually he came across an old cargo ship dock. The structure was massive, and Ranboo wondered how he'd never known about it. It looked rusty and abandoned from what he could see, but there were still hundreds of cargo containers stacked upon one-another.

This is so strange... he thought. Surely somebody has mentioned a giant unused dock before, right?

As Ranboo walked closer, he racked his brain for any mention of the dock, but came up empty. Something about the place felt off to him, but he couldn't exactly place it.

He looked around and noticed that a light fog had settled on the area, which is normal on the coast. He came up to one of the large containers. He circled it and found some rusty, bent, metal rods jutting out of the side, which he figured functioned as a ladder at some point.

Ranboo knew what he had to do, and he didn't even hesitate.

He gripped the highest rung he could reach. Mind you, this man is 6"6, so he has a far reach. He pulled himself up and made sure he had a strong foothold. He'd never make that mistake again. Not after last time...

Crate after crate, all different colors, all different amounts of rust. Once he finally yanked himself to the top, he was out of breath. Heaving, he sat down and looked out at the beautiful sea. He looked down at his phone screen.

Now playing
Maybe Another Day...
Quadeca - From Me To You

Good music always gave Ranboo a sense of comfort and safety, much like the shore. He couldn't explain it, but it put his mind at ease. He liked to analyze the music, first listening to the sound of the song altogether, then focusing on the lyrics during the second listen. He found that he connected with the lyrics of this particular song, with his uneasiness of what lies ahead for him. You never know...

Something could change your life at any given moment, weather it be negative or positive, it could be lurking just around the corner, and you could have no idea until it hits you. Right across the face.

Taunting you.

How could you be so ignorant.

Try being prepared next time.

You should've known.

It's all your fault.

"It's all your fault."

Ranboo didn't realize he was saying it out loud until the song was over, leaving him in the almost complete silence of the dock, though his mind had just been bursting with noise. The abrupt change of volume startled him. He could get way too caught up in his own thoughts sometimes.

He sat for one more song, watching the slowly falling sunset. Ranboo made his way down the rails just as the last sliver of light shone over the horizon. He hopped down for the last container, and landed softly in the grass below him

He started making his way back from the road in which he come.

Ranboo had not even made it out of the docks when his thoughts took over again.

Any minute now.

He chose to pay no mind to it

You can't ignore this

It's inevitable

It got louder. And louder. And louder. Repeating similar haunting phrases until it was almost unbearable. Ranboo covered his ears like a child, foolishly thinking it would help. His mind wad screaming now. His head felt like it was going to explode...

Until it didn't

And suddenly, everything went quiet.

Too quiet.

It sputtered one last taunt...

Told you.

Then, Ranboo was falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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