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name: adonis quintin dela cruz
nicknames: don, quin, quinquin, donnie (anything else)
age: 18
gender & pronouns:male, he/they
sexuality: bisexual (lean on guys)
species: human

nationality: filipino
language spoken: english, filipino, a little bit of korean
birth place: manila, philippines
birth date: january 5
zodiac sign: capricorn

looks: i suppose kaeya from genshin?

hair color: blackeye color: black height: 6'1 weight: 180 lbs

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hair color: black
eye color: black
height: 6'1
weight: 180 lbs.
tattoos: none
piercings: his ears are pierced by his highschool friends... it was painful.
scars: he got a few scars on his legs due to his "teenage shenanigans"
birth marks: one on his chest

if asked by his friends. they'd say that he's the most extrovert guy out there. he's viewed as the ideal "boyfriend" - that is, excluding his forgetfulness and clumsiness. adonis loves to explore a lot of things - which resulted to him having several hobbies and activities to do when bored. he may seem as a great guy but he secretly has lots of troubles deep inside. despite these troubles (to be elaborated in backstory,) he still makes sures to be a great guy to everyone.

he tried several things in highschool - arts, music, sports, academic-related works and whatsoever. though, music and sports were the only ones that captivated his heart. adonis loves to explore new places and things - the factor of him being broke was the only reason to why he hasn't travelled around the highs and depths of the earth.

adonis hates nothing except false rumors about him. since he's considerably a popular and fun folk to be with, rumors about these and that have spiraled and even threatened his good reputation amongst his classmates in highschool. if it weren't for his friends, he would've been looked upon with the wrong reasons now.
aside from this, he hates gender stereotypes. he genuinely hated the fact that society had to put some stupid norms for males and females to specifically follow. adonis have been, shamelessly, in several pride marches and never hesitates to say "get lost!" to homophobes.

adonis is often seen writing songs, playing with his guitar, or having a fun basketball match with his younger siblings.

he's used to smiling, humming to himself, and looking around. when alone, he often wears his headphones - feared to be judged by other people. adonis sometimes end up sleeping almost the whole day when unmotivated to move or basically exist.

education: high school student

occupation: at your local convenience store, bookstores, and sometimes a barista in a coffee shop (night shifts)

residence: an apartment with three rooms for his family

smokes/drinks/drugs: nope

past lovers: he dated a lot of girls on and off.

serafina gabriel dela cruz - mother - good relationship
leonel milagro dela cruz - father - good relationship
esequiel anastasio dela cruz - younger brother (11) - great relationship
alvaro bonifacio dela cruz - younger brother (6) - great relationship

pets: he has an australian shepherd named milo that he adopted when he was 14.

ideal type: he doesn't really care about the gender or sexuality. he just needs someone that he could be his true self, be comfortable to, and share the same efforts and interests in the relationship.

phobias/fears: adonis genuinely dislikes it whenever he tries his best at something - but, still fails. he also fears not being accepted on who he is.

mental/physical problems: none

born from a middle-class family, his family of five went to america to find more opportunities and blessings. they moved there when adonis was 11. at first, people teased and mocked him for his race and skin. he took this as a challenge and did his best to become very likeable by everyone - learning different interests of his peers just to fit in. he was slowly then became likeable by people. growing up, he swore to god to take care of his two younger brothers - esequiel and alvaro, and ensure that those two wouldn't have to deal with some stupid racism. having a front as a great boy, he had a vulnerable side that always wished to be taken care of - which he ignores a lot, fearing that being vulnerable will drive away all the friends and popularity that he worked on. academically, he was doing what an average student would result to despite having to work two side jobs at the time to support the family.
he is in the middle class. he doesn't have his own car. only his trusty bike.
if a genie ever appeared, his three wishes would consist of: giving his family more than enough money, good education for esequiel and alvaro, and a house for milo (the last one was pretty much a joke but he'd do anything for his dog.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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