We are Terrastorm...

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TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, Blood, Gruesome Death (Cut in half) *Limited description, blood and body being in two*, Crystalized people *Process is described*

You have been warned.


As the cosmos stones merged, a dark cloud began to form slowly taking the shape of the White Pterosaur.

The Dark Pterosaurs size grew as it absorbed the cosmos stones energy. The Space Pirates watched in glee as their plan had finally been complete, now all that was left was to take the power for themselves.

As the Space Pirates returned to their ship, The D-Team and Alpha Gang watched in horror as the massive Pterosaur began to destroy the city.

Beams of dark energy began to stray from the Pterosaur, hitting buildings and the ground setting fires or causing explosions.

The D-Team watched helplessly as their city was being destroyed, they then noticed the Dark Pterosaur make its way to the Space Pirates ship. Within seconds it absorbed the ship, the D-Team cringed a little, thinking about what could have happened to the Space Pirates and their parents.

Zoe held onto Reese tightly, burying her head into her sisters chest, muffling her sobs of defeat. Reese gently stroked her hair trying to soothe her. Rex looked away from the destruction, tears brimming in his eyes.

Max looked around at those around then back at the destruction, tears slowly fell from eyes as he gritted his teeth in fury. He snapped back around, facing everyone before he began to speak.

"We have to find a way to stop that pterosaur and the Space Pirates!" exclaimed Max.

"How Max? We can't use our stones to power the Backland while also using them to summon our dinos," explained Zoe, as she looked away from Reese while wiping the tears from her eyes.

"The copies of the stone plates could work," suggested Seth monotonously as he stood up, bracing himself against the Gel Jark.

"Those fake stone plates that nearly caused the past to bleed into the present!" exclaimed Rex shocked that Seth would make such a foolish suggestion, "we already have enough problems on our hands as it is!"

"Not to power the Backland, you fools," Seth hissed, "your dino bracers. If you swapped out your stones for the copies you should theoretically be able to summon your dinosaurs for battle."

"A theory," spat Zoe as she folded her arms, "you can't say for sure if your plan will work?" She inquired, shooting a glare at the blue-haired man in front of her. "What happens if your plan doesn't work? How many people will get hurt before we figure out how to stop them? Let alone what's happening to our parents! WHO ARE TRAPPED ON THAT SHIP MOST LIKELY BECAUSE OF YOU!"

Seth stood, unfazed by Zoe's outburst "Do you have a better plan? Or for that matter any plan at all?" Seth challenged tauntingly, smirking as he did so, "I seem to be the only one here with a plan that has a high probability of succeeding with... as many casualties as needed." Seth scowled at Zoe before continuing, "and regarding your parents, I may have tipped the Space Pirates off to the Ancients being able to aid them in their mission. However, your parents getting involved was unintentional." Seth walked closer to Zoe and bent down nearly to her height so that he could look her in the eyes.

"You're still the reason this all happened!" shouted Zoe angrily, her hands curling into fists as she glared at him, "all of this is your fault!"

Zoe was about to punch Seth until Reese held her back.

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