Capter 2

154 4 1

Killua's POV

I don't know why this guy won't leave me alone. I've clearly told him I didn't want to be his friend. "So, what grade are you in?" I rolled my eyes knowing he wasn't gonna leave me alone, even if I gave him the silent treatment.

"9th." He smiled "Hey me too!" Oh great, "What your first period?" "History." I said he smiled "I don't have history first but my class is over by the History wing!" He said happily.

Great, I thought just wanting him to leave me alone. "I know you don't wanna be my friend. But that doesn't mean your gonna get rid off me!" Why me of all the people he could've harassed.

"So," he said probably trying to find a subject to talk about it. "Your family's kinda weird." So he's stubborn and rude. Great! That was sarcastic. "Yea." I said he looked happy that he had gotten me to talk.

"I like your hair." He said, I nodded. "Do you put something in it or is it naturally like that?" "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked he shrugged "It looks fluffy and kinda wavy." He said "It's just like this." I said.

"Cool! Oh by the way my names Gon, I don't remember if I told you or not." Yes, you did. "Hm." "So, Killua why don't you wanna be my friend." Why did he have to use my name? "None of your business." I said he frowned "Well technically it is my business because it's about me and us being friends."

"One, we're not friends. Two, I don't care." I said speeding my pace up he frowned and also sped up. "You walk pretty fast." He let out a awkward laugh.

"Hm." I said "Why don't you talk?" "Because I don't want to." I said looking at him. This was the first time I had looked him in the eyes, and he looked like he got lost in thought so I snapped in-front of his face. "Hey you dead or something?"

He winced and quickly shook his head. There was a tint of pink in his cheeks. "It's just..." "your eyes, their really pretty." He said scratching the back of his neck.

I felt my face heat up a bit, but forced it back down before he saw. "Ok..." I said looking away. There was silence and then we got to the school I started off and other way but he still followed me.

I walked to my first class and he tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, I'll see you later okay!" He said smiling. "Whatever." I said and walked in.
*ding* *dong* *ding* *dong*

I flung my bag over my shoulder and began to walk out, however to my surprise Gon was waiting for me. "Hey!" He said kinda out of breath. Wait did he-did he run here just to see me?

"Did you run here?" I asked as we walked down the hall. His face was a bit red "umm." He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Maybe." He said. "Weirdo." I whispered under my breath he heard it but didn't say anything about it.

He followed me to my next class and smiled when we arrived "I have this class too!" I sighed and walked in. He sat next to me and then the teacher came in.

"Alright pull out your textbooks and turn to page 234." She said. I looked over to my bag and pulled out my textbook, but when I looked back at my desk there was a note. I glance over at Gon and he smiled.

I pick the note up and read it.

Hi! :)

I glanced over at him, he was opening his textbook, I sighed and crumbled the paper up, then I opened my textbook. I ignored the rest of his attempts to talk to me and the bell finally rang.

I grabbed my bag and went to walk out but he got in front of me "Can you at least give me a chance?" Is sighed and pushed past him, I eventually I lost him in the crowd.

I did kinda feel bad. If only my brother would let me have friends then maybe I could accept his invitation. It's not that I didn't want to be his friend! I mean I tried having a friends once but...

I winced at the memory. Well gym is next so I might as well go to my locker and put my stuff away. I opened the locker and groaned when I saw Gon walk over to me. "Looks like our lockers are right by each other." He said smirking.

I grabbed my gym bag and went to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder. It took everything in me not to react to the sudden touch by killing him.

He could feel the aura coming from me and quickly backed away. I continued walking, hoping that scared him away for good. Not that I wanted to scare him but the sudden touch scared the hell out of me.

Wait did I- did I let my guard down? Why? Why was my guard down? I-I never let my guard down! What the hell! What about talking to him made me put my guard down?!

I walked into the locker room. And Gon was in there, I sighed and went to one of the lockers I put my bag in it and took my shirt off. I felt like someone was watching me and turned around to see Gon quickly look away.

I sighed and out my gym shirt on. After I finished changing into the shorts I walked out and. "Hey." I recognize that voice. I turned around to see Gon, "Sorry." He said "what?" "I shouldn't have randomly touched you like that." He said laughing a little.

Wait. Did he really just apologize to me? Why isn't he scared of me? Does he really still wanna talk to me after how much of an asshole I've been to him? Maybe I can be his friend. But Illumi can never know. None of them can!

"Ok." I said he tilted his head in confusion "huh?" "I'll be your friend." I said making my hand a fist. Trying to forget the memories of her....

The boy across the streetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora