The first day

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Prince Wu has been sent to Ba Sing Se High school and is very anxious about school.

(Wus POV)

I am in a car on my way to my first day of school I am so anxious I cant stop shaking what if the people didn't like me?What if they hated me?What if the teachers didn't like me? No Wu you are being stupid im supposed to have a body guard he will atleast be someone I can talk too right?

(Makos POV)

I was walking to school with Bo when Principal Beifong called me over "Mako you are going to be the body guard of Prince Wu while he gets an education here" she said sternly,"Oh...OK then" I replied right on cue a boy barged into the room and asked me if I was his body guard "yes I am" I replied slightly startled by his energy and his attractiveness he had bright green eyes short brown hair and tinted skin he had a great smile on his face I was pulled back to reality when he blundered out "AWSOME WHAT CLASS DO I HAVE? FIRST WHERE IS MY LOCKER?WHOS IS THE BEST TEACHER?DO YOU HAVE FRIENDS?ARE YOU MY FRIEND?WHAT DO YOU DO?DO YOU PLAY SPORTS?"
"History with professor Hakoda I will show you your lock i have friends profesor Paku yes and yes." I replied
"Great lets go"he said energetically
I smiled and nodded and I walked of.

AUTHORS NOTE)Bending is real and this is going to be slow in updates as I am working on this first twin and another fic so yeah.

A bodyguard or a lover (Wuko fic)Where stories live. Discover now