Chapter 6: A little too close

Start from the beginning

"So about the gang name, I was thinking we'd call our gang the 'Black Dragons', what do you think?" Shinichiro asked me then showed me a logo he designed, it was similar to the tattoo on Sho's back,

"It look's similar to Sho-chan's tattoo," I pointed, he chuckled at my remark, 

"I got the name from her," He said, the way he talked about her was also filled with so much endearment you could tell that he really loves her too, "She has always been supporting me since day 1. I didn't want to go to college after graduating high school, I told her I wanted to own a bike shop but I really didn't have the money to start a business, after her grandfather died, she gave me her inheritance money to me so I could start, but I told her I'd pay her back,"

He then handed me the deed to the shop and it's under both their names,

That's a huge deal for the both of them,

They trust each other so much and the bond between them was so strong, I really can't see any reason why they aren't together yet.

"Why don't you just date already?" I asked,

"Who? Sho? Why would I date her? She's--," He said but he was cut off mid-sentence.

Benkei and Takeomi arrived at Shin's shop with plastic bags in their hands,

"Sorry, we're late! But we brought beer!" Takeomi said as he placed the plastic bags on the table.

[Sho's POV]

I was actually expecting a different reaction from Wakasa when he saw me at Shin's shop. I thought he would tease me or mock me for smoking or for having a tattoo but he was fairly chill about it.

I had to stay behind and lock the cafe because Erina-san said she was feeling sick, so I volunteered to do the closing. I was supposed to be home by 8 but I got home around 10 PM, Wakasa must be starving.

"I'm home, I bought take-outs," I said as I entered the room,

Wakasa was sitting on my bed, folding laundry.

"I knew it, you don't have a single lingerie in your closet," Wakasa said as he was folding my underwear, "All your underwears are pink and frilly, what's with that?"

"Why the fuck are you going through my stuff?" I yelled at him as I grabbed the underwear he was holding, I can't believe he went through my undergarments! How embarrassing! 

"Jeez, I'm just folding clothes, you were out late so I decided to do some chores," He said casually like it was a normal thing to go through other people's delicates.

"Shut up," I growled at him,


I was sitting in class, waiting for our first period to start.

Wakasa was still not around, he said he had to be somewhere first but he'll be here before class starts.

A few minutes later, Wakasa arrived in class with a paper bag in his hand,

"Here," He said as he placed it in front of me, everyone in class started whispering and of course, the girls were glaring at me. "Thank me later," he said and went to his seat.

What the hell is this? Why would Wakasa give me a present? I wonder what's the occasion? 

I opened the paper bag and saw it was full of lingerie inside. My eyes grew wide and my cheeks turned bright red from the embarrassment. Good thing I didn't pull any of it out of the bag.

Why is he giving me this? And in school nonetheless!?

"Oh? What's in the bag?" One of the girls who were really fond of Wakasa asked

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