'I should get this one home." He said as he picked her up from your lap and held her close as her head dropped to his shoulder "Thanks for having us Con." He said to the blonde as she stood from her chair and hugged him lightly.

"Always a pleasure." She replied, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek before placing a soft one on the crown of María's head and walking them out.

"We should probably make a move too." You said after a few moments of silence and Jason smiled sweetly at you.

"Sure honey." He replied, giving you a small nod before getting up and putting his hand out to shake Steve's "Thanks for having us." He said firmly.

"Was a pleasure." Steve replied, shaking his hand back and giving him a quick nod "Will have to do this again sometime."

"Definitely." You replied as you gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning to Connie "Still on for tomorrow?"

"Definitely." She beamed and "See you at 12."


The two of you made your way down the stairs and into your apartment, Jason grabbing two glasses of water for you both like he always did before joining you in the bedroom where you'd stripped down to your underwear. You smiled at him as he entered, feeling bold as you walked over to him and kissed him before he pulled away to hand you your glass.

You placed it down on your side table and got onto the bed, admiring him from where you lay as he stripped down to his boxers before sliding in next to you. You scooted closer to him, pulling him into a kiss that no matter how hard you tried, didn't get any more heated.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked as he pushed you off of him.

"I want you." You moaned, "Got this new set, just for you." You continued as you lay down in the hope he'd admire it a little "Don't you like it?"

"It's okay." He replied with a shrug and all that confidence you'd had disappeared in a puff of smoke "I'm just not in the mood babe."

"Oh." You replied, unable to hide the sadness in your voice as your throat tightened.

You suddenly felt so very exposed and you practically leapt out of the bed, grabbing some clothes to sleep in and choosing to change in the bathroom. You felt so stupid as you pulled off the lacy garments and threw them in the laundry bin before pulling on your sleep shorts and one of your husband's old T-shirts.

Jason was asleep by the time you returned to the bedroom and you climbed back in beside him, laying with your back facing away from him and as far from him as you could. Silently crying yourself to sleep.


"So how did Jason like that cheeky little set you got?" Asked Connie as she sipped on her Coffee, a small smirk gracing her lips.

"He didn't" You replied simply and her brows pulled together as your posture changed.

"What do you mean?"

"I dunno... he just..." You paused a moment, trying to keep your composure as you tried to find the words "He wasn't in the mood or whatever." You said after a few moments of contemplation "Tried coming on to him and he full-on rejected me."

"Aw, hun-"

"I'm just not sexy." You interrupted with a shrug "I tried something... It didn't work out. I don't have a beautiful figure like you. Wasn't made to pull off lingerie like that."

"That's bullshit." She argued and you scoffed "Seriously. You're more gorgeous than you give yourself credit for."

"Con... I'm happy enough as I am. I'm just never going to have that passion you and Steve share." You sighed, resigning yourself to the fact you'd never get the things Javier had told you about all those months ago "I just... I wish Jason would look at me the way Steve looks at you."

The Unexpected GiftМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя