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I sat on my throne made of human skulls, bored af. All my homies had left and even Jesus wasn't calling me to whine about being a neglected child again. I was about to start watching my favorite show "Hey Jessie" when I hear a loud bang coming from the door to hell. "Welp ig someone broke in" I patiently wait for whoever it was to find me. I'll eat their face off. I can hear loud footsteps from multiple people. Then BAM the most beautiful drunken man is standing in front of me. And he was holding a pride flag. "YOOOO ARE YOU GAY" I ask. "No I'm a homophobe I came" after a pause he continued, "to burn this because I hate gay people". He held up his pride flag."Poggers" I replied bc i wanted to impress my new rebound crush. God then flipped his long luscious hair back, placing a hand on his beautiful birthgiving hips. "Can u lead me and my homies to the Eternal Fire?" He asked, "We wanna burn this gay flag bc i hate gay people bc my neglegted son Jesus is gay" " Ofc" I replied, he was so into me!!

THE GRINCH ORIGIN STORYOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz