pov: the brutal truth of loving All Might

Start from the beginning

The impact of what you've done hits you hard, and the world sharpens, and you're furious. It isn't fair that he's angry at you when you're sick of worrying, of losing sleep over his duty, of only being updated of his well-being through news channels. And it's infuriating that you've argued over this, talked about it, and each time, the incidents only gets more serious. Only gets more fatal. Only gets you to think about his mortality. That one day he'd— Both your palms smack into his chest, sending him stumbling backward.

"Do you think this easy for me? That this is what I want?" You raise your hand to hit him again, but he catches your wrist.

"Do you think this is easy for me?" he hissed, his sunken blue eyes glinted sharply. "Do you have any idea. . ." Toshinori pulls on your wrist, hard enough to bring your faces within inches from each other. You're suddenly aware of how strong he is despite being almost skin and bones.

"You do not know," he growls.  "You talk as though I take for granted of what we— what I thought we had." His grip tightens. "I risk your life just by being next to you. Do you understand that? If people know, if I register you as my emergency contact and we're caught, you will be in danger. I will never be able to live with myself if a villain hurts you to get to me. I will put your life in jeopardy."

You feel yourself go limp, all the fight seeping out of you. "But. . . but why then? You should have known that this— this all I'll ever be for you. Just a person who couldn't be there for you because I'm a civilian you have to keep safe. If this is all that's gonna be,  why did you ever kiss me in the first place?"

"Because this is not something I was supposed to have!" Toshinori shouts. "I look at you and I feel human. I look at you and I feel whole. I look at you and it doesn't matter whether I'm All Might or I'm a random nobody. I look at you and I live. I look at you and having the title of Number One Hero is nothing, nothing compared to being called yours! I can't go back to who I was anymore."

He seems to realize he's still holding your wrist. Your fingers have gone numb. Toshinori releases you and shoves his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants. Blood rushes back to your fingertips,  which prickle with pins and needles.

"And even if we aren't caught," he continues in a more subdued tone, "You will never be able to introduce me to your family. I will never get to walk down the streets with you hand in hand, or take you to the municipal to submit a marriage certificate with you. And whatever happens to me, your life will go on as if I never met you. And it doesn't matter as long as I have kept you safe. That's all I want." He blinks and looks at your wrist. "I did not mean to hurt you. I'm sorry."

Your frail resolve wavers. You and Toshinori were never meant to happen, but against impossible odds, you and him found each other— and more importantly, chose to be together.

He deserves to be with someone as brave as he is.

"Toshi, don't leave." You take a tentative step towards him. "I was wrong.  I'm sorry. Stay with me. I want you for as much time as we possibly can have. I'm sorry for having a moment of weakness. I want you, Toshi. I want all the stolen moments I can get."

There is a long silence. He stares at you, and your brain works furiously to think of something more to say.

A slow smile spreads across his face. ". . .  keep looking at me like that and we'll get outed to the public in precarious situation."

Your cheeks warmed.

You watch the two old logs burat into flames.  The fire crackles and you take a seat on the ground behind Toshinori. You spread your legs for him to lean back against you. It is his prerogative right to be the little spoon whenever he's in his true form. This is a thing between you and him, camping in the middle of nowhere to avoid public eye.

"I'm sorry," you say over and over to his back. "I'm sorry." His shirt smells like smoke from the fire, and dry leaves, and detergent.

"You're allowed to end this," he says quietly.

To which you reply with, "I know." You squeeze him in your arms so tight you apologizing still, for trying to break up with him or for a future without him.

"I updated my agency. They'll inform you first when I. . . "

You let your sobs ran through you. He hunches even more, his arms wrapped around his knees,  into a seashell arc in your arms while your tears trickled down to the back of his neck.

"I love you." His tired voice.

". . . love you too."

This is the brutal truth of loving All Might.
This is fluff, right? i forgot.

Long-time Coming: All Might x Reader (Oneshot povs)Where stories live. Discover now